Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Explore the Causes of Bad Breath and Halitosis Remedies

Suffering from bad breath? Learn about the causes of bad breath with Colgate® to figure out the source of the problem. The causes of bad breath are not always obvious ones, like poor oral hygiene. Some other causes can include the digestion of food, dry mouth, medical conditions or smoking. Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for fighting bad breath, so don't forget to brush!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Tips For Helping Your Child Prevent Cavities

Tooth decay doesn't just affect adults, it can also affect your little ones. Common causes of tooth decay in toddlers include going to sleep with a bottle or eating too much sugar and carbohydrates. Brushing your child's teeth twice a day with a soft bristled brush will help to prevent cavities. Treatment for cavities in children is the same as for adults, so be sure to develop good habits for your child that will last.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Reasons You're Getting Cavities (That Have Nothing to Do With Brushing and Flossing)

Do you wonder why you're still getting cavities even though you brush and floss every day? In this video, I'm sharing the three biggest reasons you're getting cavities.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Could Humans Ever Regrow Teeth?

98% of American suffer from tooth decay, but scientists may have found a way to fix that. Is there a way to regrow your teeth?

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Prevention and Treatment of Periodontal Disease

Despite the common belief that if we brush our teeth they can last a lifetime, there are some diseases that can affect even the most cautious cleaners. Unlike tooth decay that is primarily caused due to poor dental hygiene, gum diseases such as periodontal disease can happen to people with perfect health, albeit less frequently. Since the disease is caused due to a build-up of bacteria-filled plaque in between the gums and teeth, there is a different procedure for both preventive measures and the treatment of the diseased gum line than traditional dental care, which primarily focuses on preventing tooth decay.

Like any ailment, prevention is more effective than even the best form of treatment for periodontal disease, which with the proper knowledge can only take out about 5 minutes of your day on cleaning your teeth. While it may seem obvious, one of the easiest ways to prevent the spread of bacteria that can cause or worsen periodontal disease is to regularly brush the lower parts of the teeth that connect to the gums. Along with proper brushing with a fluoride paste, you should floss around the roots of teeth to prevent the plaque buildup that can loosen the gums and cause further complications.

It is important to be aware of the fact that some conditions that can make a predisposed individual more susceptible to developing periodontal disease. A family history of the disease can greatly increase your predisposition to being affected by it and it is a good idea to alert your dentist if it runs in your family. People who partake in tobacco use in the form of cigarettes or chew also greatly increase their odds of getting infections in their gums.

Periodontal disease is usually treatable when caught early by a dentist with knowledge of the symptoms. Bleeding or receding gums and loose feeling teeth, accompanied by a lingering bad taste, may be warning signs that you are developing periodontal disease and it is urgent that you seek treatment. If you are concerned that you may have the beginning symptoms of the disease, call your local dentist and schedule an appointment so they can begin taking steps to hinder the development and prevent further infections. Untreated periodontal disease has even been linked to developing heart disease.

The standard procedure for treating periodontal disease often involves a thorough cleaning of the area of the gums that connects to the roots of the teeth, followed up with smoothing the roots to prevent further infections. However, for more severe cases that result in tooth loss, implants and crowns may be necessary to protect the remaining teeth from further damage. If you have already been diagnosed with periodontal disease or believe you have the symptoms, your dentist will give you an individualized treatment plan. Closely following this treatment plan can make a significant difference in your health.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

How to Take Care of your Dentures

Adjusting to life with dentures can be difficult. Learn more about how you can care for your dentures, including how to clean them and how tools like denture toothbrushes can help you, every day. It takes some time to get used to dentures, but you can ease into them with these helpful tips from Colgate®. Use your dentures to the fullest and enjoy having a full set of teeth again!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Signs that You are Grinding Your Teeth at Night

In this video, we will discuss the signs of grinding (bruxism) and clenching and the effects those have on your oral health.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

What is TMJ? The Causes of your Jaw Pain

Experiencing jaw pain, popping, or pain around your ears? Do you have issues opening your mouth wide? Learn more about what can be TMD, with Colgate®. Possible causes include jaw clenching, teeth grinding, poor posture, or an injury to the joint.