Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dental Check-ups

Dental check-ups are important 

Regency Dental Group is here to help you smile! Our Vacaville dental team specializes in treating people the way they tell us they want to be treated. Dr. Burton and team strive to take away the fear. We want you to obtain the beautiful smile you have always wanted. Give us a call today!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bad Breath - Dental Problems Often Cause Bad Breath

There is a direct link between bacterial plaque, bad breath and dental problems.

Bad breath or halitosis, dental decay, periodontal disease and gingivitis are all caused by the anaerobic bacteria that live in the mouth. Anaerobic means living in the absence of air. These types of bacteria are mostly pathological.

· Bad breath is the odor produced by bacteria living off food particles, each other and dying tissue. Bad breath can also be caused by other more serious health issues. An example of this is diabetes that can cause acidosis which in turn causes bad breath.

· Dental decay is actually caused by the acidic excrement from the bacteria. The tooth is literally being dissolved by chronically being bathed in this acid.

· Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums caused by your own body trying to fight off the invasion of the bacteria.

· Periodontal disease (perio = around, and dontal = tooth) is the loss of bone and tissue attachment around the tooth. It is caused by a microbial invasion around the tooth by anaerobic bacteria.

Odors and acids are produced in the film of plaque that resides between teeth, along the gum line and on the surface of the tongue. The plaque is produced by the bacteria. Poor oral hygiene can not keep the population of bacteria under control, resulting in bad breath. Cleaning teeth twice daily is the minimum requirement for reducing the population of bacteria. However, meticulous cleaning is difficult. Tooth brushing does not access in between teeth and often causes ridges and grooves along the gum line. Oral irrigating does not cut through the sticky greasy barrier the plaque produces.

Infections from dental decay, gingivitis, or periodontal disease also cause bad breath. Again, poor oral hygiene is the biggest factor in these infections. Improper flossing will take an infection from one part of the mouth and inoculate a health part. The infections also produce dead tissue, which add to the smorgasbord feeding the bacteria. The gasses given off is what you smell.

There are other factors that feed the bacteria besides food and infection. Smoking, mouth breathing, alcohol based mouth washes and certain medications also increase dry mouth. Reduced saliva does not allow your mouth to remove the bacteria that cause the odor.

Finally, the bad breath odor may be from sources other than the oral cavity. Some medical conditions cause bad breath. Infections in the lungs, nasal cavity or sinuses can cause odor that is associated with bad breath. Bad breath in diabetics is a rather common occurrence. And finally, less likely, but still possible, bad breath can be associated with certain conditions related to malfunctioning kidneys and some cancers.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2336452

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Your Mouth Is A Window To Your Body

Many health conditions in the body can first be seen from symptoms that show up in the mouth. It is important to recognize and treat these dental signs in order to maintain whole body health. Many of the signs are more significant when they appear with other signs rather than singularly. However, any of the symptoms should be checked out by a dentist or doctor. When it comes to your health, prevention and early diagnosis are the keys to longevity. Here is a list of seven symptoms:

#1. Sores or blisters that stick around longer than two weeks may be a warning sign of oral cancer. The sores usually are raised and have a red &/or white border. Don't forget to look under the tongue. A white or red patch of abnormal skin cells may also appear inside the mouth or lips. Although more prevalent in smokers, heavy alcohol consumers or drug users, this cancer can also appear in anyone. Like all cancers, if left untreated, it can cause death. Unfortunately, this cancer only has as 35% survival rate, mostly because it is not found early enough. However, also realize, that sores that won't go away also can indicate periodontal disease.

#2. Headaches, painful jaws, earaches or even pain running down the neck and into the upper back have several possible causes. Sinus issues, TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) disorder, toothache, arthritis, periodontal problems, grinding teeth, stress, or injury can all manifest into jaw pain. If the issue is causing clenching of the teeth that often happens with TMJ, night grinding or stress, then a mouth guard worn at night can relieve the pain.

#3. Flat ground-down teeth are another symptom of teeth grinding (bruxism) or teeth clenching at night, often caused by stress or a central nervous system reaction. It can also be caused by an abnormal bite or missing teeth. Since this occurs during sleep, many people are unaware that they have this problem. Constant grinding wears down the top layer of enamel making teeth sensitive and even causing fracturing. Wearing a night mouth guard, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, reducing stress, and managing stress through relaxation techniques can help the bruxism. Growing children often experience night grinding; however, this is usually not treated and goes away.

#4. Dry mouth is a symptom of numerous health conditions. Medications (such as those treating depression and incontinence, muscle relaxants, antianxiety agents, and antihistamines), smoking, and allergies are probably the most common causes of dry mouth. However, two more serious conditions are Sjogren's syndrome and diabetes. Four million Americans suffer from Sjogren's and twenty four million from diabetes. Dry mouth is a problem because it increases the risk of periodontal disease and mouth infections like thrush. Things to increase the saliva flow in the mouth include: sucking on sugarless candy, drinking lots of water, breathing through the nose (not mouth), using a room vaporizer, and using over-the-counter dry mouth rinses.

#5 White lacy web-like streaks on the mucus membrane of the cheek or gums is a skin disorder called oral lichen planus. Although mostly found in middle age adults, the cause is unknown and thought to be related to allergies or an immune reaction. It is not contagious; however, no curative is available. Good oral hygiene, eliminating smoking and alcohol, and changing medications that may exasperate any pain are advised.

#6 Cracking crumbling teeth are often caused by Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Stomach acids are back up into the esophagus and mouth. These acids eat away at the teeth. This acid reflux disease can occur at any age, but is more predominate in older people. However, bulimia often found in the younger generation can also cause the teeth to erode by stomach acid as undigested food is vomited.

#7 The abnormal growth of gums over the teeth can be caused by certain medication, typically heart or seizure meds. This is often a sign that the dosage of such medication needs to be adjusted. If left unchecked, excessive growth can make it difficult to remove bacteria around the tooth and gums, causing periodontal disease.

If any of the symptoms appear in your mouth or in the mouth of a person in your care, get it checked out by your dentist. The mouth is a window to the health of your entire body.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7199956

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dentist: Leader of the Team

Dentist: Leader of the Team

Regency Dental Group is here to help you smile! Our Vacaville dental team specializes in treating people the way they tell us they want to be treated. Dr. Burton and team strive to take away the fear. We want you to obtain the beautiful smile you have always wanted. Give us a call today!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tips to Help Sensitive Teeth

Don't you hate that feeling when you sip a cold drink, or bite into your favorite flavor of ice cream, only to feel a thousand tiny daggers stabbing through your teeth. Even warm treats like hot cocoa or any type of food can bring on discomfort and pain if you have sensitive teeth. If you have issues with enamel wearing down, this increases the exposure of hollow points on the surface of your teeth, which magnifies sensation when the nerves are affected. Anything hits your teeth, and you're wincing.

While you're waiting for your dentist appointment, there are things you can do to relieve the aches in the sensitive area. Don't think you have to go through life never enjoying favorite foods or never opening your mouth. Take precautions and consider options from your dentist, and you'll soon face this challenge with a smile.

1) Switch toothpaste. Check your local drugstore in the dental care aisle. Used to be there were only a few options for toothpaste, but now they have everything that increases whiteness, promotes fresh breath, and yes, helps sensitive teeth. If you have concerns about using such a product - especially if you are loyal to a specific brand - you can always consult with your dentist to see which type of toothpaste is best for you.

2) Keep a food diary. Certain foods tend to cause stronger reactions than others. Foods high in citric acid, for example, are likely to hit those nerves. If you experience similar pains with other things you eat and drink, make a list as you go along and cut down on those foods. Over time, as you're able to improve your teeth, gradually bring them back to see if you are able to enjoy them again.

3) Change your toothbrush. It's advised to change brushes after a certain period of time, but if you find brushing is literally a pain, adjust your routine. Look for a brush designed for sensitive teeth, and go easy as you brush. Don't forget to floss, too, and prevent buildup.

4) Consult with dentist. Your dentist may suggest fillings or other work designed to reduce sensitivity. Fillings and crowns, for example, can cover porous areas that give you problems.

You don't have to suffer with sensitive teeth. Take care of them at home and visit your dentist for options to help you eat, talk, and smile without pain.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7328960

Friday, October 12, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Whitening & Brushing Are Not the Same

The American Dental Association reminds us that whitening and brushing are not the same. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Replacing Lost Teeth

Patients lose teeth due to a number of reasons. Some are as a result of an accident where a blow to the face can involve teeth. Some cases involve a severe loss of tooth structure, due to a history of caries (cavities) where a tooth may fracture under normal biting pressure. In rare cases an adult permanent tooth may never have erupted and the surviving 'baby' tooth may fracture from over-function.

The concern facing the dentist is what procedure to follow to replace the missing tooth/ teeth. This of course involves discussion of options with the patient. Factors such as the cost of treatment, the condition of the surrounding tooth, bone and gum tissue is important. There are also some situations where overall impracticality for oral reasons may preclude many options.

A viable choice may be to simply leave a space. In some cases cost and appliance choice exclusions may promote this choice. Replacing a missing front tooth provoke a have a greater sense of urgency than a non-visible posterior tooth. Depending on the location of the tooth, or missing teeth the choices take a different path.

Let us discuss a single lost tooth. One option is a bridge between the teeth on either side and dummy tooth to replace the lost tooth. This is called a three unit bridge, bridges are named by the elements involved, the fore mentioned three unit bridge but also 4-5-6-7 unit bridges, etc. In a bridge the teeth on either side of the lost tooth are prepared, the teeth are 'carved' using the dental handpiece and likely a diamond imbedded preparation burr. The prepared teeth could be considered as almost miniatures of the original teeth. But the prepared teeth are shaped so that a crown cast in the laboratory, can be slipped over the remaining structure. There is considerable care and experience needed to produce a good final crown preparation by both the dentist and the laboratory. The margin should be placed to the gum for cleanliness and appearance, the preparation should not be too deep so as to avoid the nerve. In some cases a root canal treatment is required to ensure proper retention of a crown. This involves removing tooth nervous tissue and a build up of lost structure with one of the polymer materials. The biting surface should be reduced sufficiently so as to allow the laboratory enough thickness on the biting surface on which the tooth is built up.

A detailed impression is made of the prepared tooth/teeth. A polyester, rubber-like material is used. Dental materials are such that they provide a consistent accuracy and reproduction of the tooth structure. The impression is poured and the laboratory uses the model as a basis for the new crown(s). A laboratory manufactured crown or bridge is 'cemented ' on the prepared tooth / teeth by a strong biologically neutral cementing material. Patients are carefully instructed in the care of their new appliance. Even an excellent crown can have a susceptible margin for intra oral decay.

Some cases can be very successful using implants. This involves surgically placing a retainer implant into the bone where the tooth was lost. In some cases there can be a need for bone augmentation, when there is not enough remaining bone to secure an implant. Some dentists do their own surgery; but, many prefer to refer to specialists such as periodontists (gum specialists) or oral surgeons. After the implant is secure in the tissue, (a time frame of several months to close to a year in challenging cases) the patient comes in for an impression. It is similar to the regular crown impression but added components are required. In a healing implant the surgeon places what is called a "healing coping." This looks like the top part of a golf tee sitting and attached to the implant. It is in fact screwed into the implant. At the impression appointment the healing coping is unscrewed and a part called the impression coping is placed in the implant. The goal is to take an impression of this coping, the impression material is injected and the tray holding the material has an opening so when the impression material sets, the impression coping can be unscrewed. The implant has a 'key' on the top opening and the impression coping fits into this. This ensures an accurate placement of the final crown. The position of the implant crown in the lab and in the patient are very accurately determined. This is transferred to a laboratory where the position of the implant, relative to other teeth in the patient,can be transferred to a poured impression. The lab then makes a coping to hold a crown. When the final coping and crown are returned to the clinic the dentist enters the final stage. The healing coping is again unscrewed and the tooth replacement coping is screwed into the implant. The tooth coping has "keys" that correspond to the position of the lab work. These are lined up, the coping tightened and an x-ray determines if it is properly seated. Then a 'ratchet' type wrench insures the crown portion is tightly seated. Then the crown is 'cemented' in a similar manner to the crown on a natural tooth.

An advantage of implants is that natural tooth structure is not reduced and they tend to last longer as natural teeth that have been reduced may weaken over time. But, a big impediment is the increased cost of an implant. The surgery, laboratory fees and the crown portion can be more than most three unit bridges. Some insurance companies do not cover implants. Determine this, with your dentist, before proceeding.

Other options can include partial dentures. These come in two varieties, one is all plastic and another had a light weight cast metal frame. The latter is more retentive and will last longer. But again cost can be a factor and many patients opt for the plastic variety. These are termed removable appliances. Unlike bridges or crowns they are removed for brushing or sleeping.

A partial denture is a thin cast frame that has teeth replacing lost teeth. It either crosses the palate in upper dentures or runs along the lower inside jaw. On the biting surface of the teeth there is a depression made in the surface, this retains the partial frame under conditions where a patient chews. As well both types have clasps that run like half rings around a tooth. They retain the dentures. In most situations where there is solid tooth structure patients have normal function as well as a good appearance. The well prepared partial dentures is such that the replacement teeth restore lost tooth function.

A complete denture is when all teeth have been removed for what ever reasons. The upper complete denture covered the palate and when well fitted it has a suction like retention and most patients have a good experience with this appliance. A lower complete denture is a bit more of a challenge. When people lose lower teeth the bone around the teeth can regress. That is, it basically shrinks and almost disappears. On the upper arch there is sufficient underlying bone to not make this a sensitive issue. But, in the lower arch the ridge can be very flat and awkward. Today many patients are having implants placed to help retain lower dentures. These can really make a great functional difference.

The options for tooth replacement depend on the number of teeth and their placement in the arches, the overall oral and general health of the patient, and budgetary considerations. If you find yourself in such a situation where you need to replace a part of the dentition, it may involve asking friends and acquaintances of their success in this area. Ask for a consultation, an evaluation and an estimate of the fees. It is also a good idea to seek a second or even a third or more opinion. If you are ensured consult with you carrier before you begin so that you know you benefits. Don't go by fees alone, try to assess what you feel about the dentist and the office.

Dentistry does offer many great options so there is no need to have less than you feel you deserve.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7293170

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Great Local Vacaville Event: Vacaville Kid Fest. Sat Oct 6th, Andrews Park

Vacaville Kid Fest was started in 1999, when an idea was born to create a "Children's Festival", a place where families could come and have a day of activities with their children at very little or no cost, and also have the opportunity to learn about many of the services and resources that were available to children and families. We adopted the theme "For the Child in all of us".

A group of City of Vacaville representatives, ranging from business owners and managers, nonprofit groups and media people were approached with the idea and met it with enthusiasm. And thus, Kid Fest was born.

The first Kid Fest Core Committee consisted of Shauna Manina, Meaghan O'Neill from Vacaville Police Dept., Linnea Dischinger from Vacaville Fire Dept., Todd Grames and Suzanne Green from Community Services Dept., and Reggie Hubbard from Housing & Redevelopment Dept. Other business people from The Reporter, Downtown Vacaville Business Improvement District, and others all committed to the vision of a day of low cost or no cost activities, free resources, and fun.

Our first event in 1999 had 1 stage and 40 booths, with everything from food, crafters and merchandise vendors, a wide range of social service and community nonprofit groups, free children's games and entertainment, bounce houses, and a very strong focus on child safety and health. From the beginning, a large component of the event has been the presence of Vacaville Fire and Police Depts., with their equipment displays, children's fire muster, and safety information.

By 2001, there were 2 stages of entertainment and over 120 booths participating in the event. The committee members have changed over the years, but the event has continued, and become part of the fabric of what makes Vacaville a family oriented community. The focus remains on child and family safety and health.

See more about this wonderful organization at www.VacavilleKidFest.org

See you there!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Causes for a Toothache

Odontalgia, commonly known as a toothache, is a very common problem that can occur due to various different reasons, most of which can be prevented with good oral hygiene. You should visit your dentist regularly, especially if you have a toothache. A dentist may prescribe a mild pain killer or an extensive treatment, based on the cause of the toothache.

Dental Decay

Bacteria makes acids that eat away at a tooth which results in tooth decay, which can eventually form a cavity. Every time you eat, the acids attack your teeth that last for about 20mins. Tooth decays can easily be prevented by brushing and flossing.

Sensitive Teeth

Your teeth become increasingly sensitive to hot and cold beverages or even sweets which cause a toothache. This usually happens because the protective outer layers of the teeth, like the enamel over the crown and the cementum over the root have rotted away; leaving your tooth dentin exposed. You should avoid tooth whiteners, foods or drinks containing high acids, hard brushing and grinding teeth, as all these lead to sensitive teeth. Dentists can offer dental care advice and may prescribe specific toothpastes for sensitive teeth.

Receding Gums

In this case, gums push back which exposes the sensitive parts of the teeth and at times the roots, resulting in toothaches. Brushing too hard or with a brush with hard bristles moves back the gums, so try using a soft tooth brush.

Cracked Tooth

A tooth can crack for many different reasons, perhaps due to an injury or a blow. Or in some cases chewing on hard objects in a drastically varying temperature can also cause a tooth to crack. Bacteria from the plaque can enter the pulp through a cracked or broken tooth, causing inflammation and toothache.

Tooth Abscess

If a cavity is left untreated for a long period of time it infects the inner pulp of the tooth and the bone tissue at the end of the root causing extreme pain. In this case, dentists will have to carry out a root canal procedure, which in most cases will solve the problem. However, if it doesn't then the affected tooth will have to be removed.

These are the basic causes of a toothache; a toothache can also occur for various non-dental reasons like a heart disease. You should consult a dentist as soon as possible for treatment, as it will only get worse with time if left untreated.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7310486