Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments for a Beautiful, Radiant Smile

The term cosmetic dentistry can refer to just about any elective dental procedure that is done for aesthetic purposes. This article will discuss treatments such as braces, cosmetic whitening, and veneers, although there are broad range of treatments that could be classified as cosmetic.

Braces are usually available through a dental specialist known as an orthodontist, who works primarily with aesthetic concerns. The standard types of braces use tiny metal wires and brackets that are fastened onto the teeth with a bonding agent. In some cases, spacers are used to create space in between teeth that overlap. It is sometimes necessary to extract a tooth if there is not enough room in the mouth to accommodate the teeth without crowding. The patient may be required to wear an apparatus commonly known as headgear in the case of an overbite or underbite. The purpose of the headgear, used in combination with the braces, is to gradually realign the teeth to create more optimal positioning in the mouth. Braces may be worn for six months to two years, after which a device known as a retainer is used to maintain the space and positioning created by the braces. Treatment can cost between one and four thousand dollars; luckily, many insurance providers now include orthodontic procedures in their coverage. Most orthodontists also offer payment plans to help patients cover the cost over the course of their treatment.

A new advancement in orthodontics are the Invisalign braces. Invisalign braces work in much the same way as traditional braces do, with the exception that they use clear plastic instead of metal for a more discreet appearance. Many find the Invisalign braces to be more comfortable, as the patient can remove them before eating and sleeping. As with the metal braces, treatment with Invisalign braces may take up to two years before completion and cost may run into the thousands.

If you do not have any major issues such as overcrowding or an overbite, a teeth-whitening procedure may be all you need to spruce up your smile. Although treatment can more costly, it is highly recommended that you seek a professional dental whitening rather than buying an over the counter whitening product. Whitening products such as rinses and strips often contain harsh abrasives that can wear away at the enamel if left on for too long or if used improperly. If you are going to splurge on something, treat yourself to cosmetic dental whitening such as Zoom! Whitening; the effects will be more dramatic and long lasting.

Dental veneers are another method of enhancing the appearance of the teeth. If you have teeth that are crooked, chipped, or badly stained, veneers may be a viable solution. The dentist will gently buff the surface of the tooth to make way for the veneer, which is moulded to resemble a natural tooth. The veneer will be bonded onto the surface of the tooth, and then crafted to blend in flawlessly with the rest of the teeth. With proper care, veneers can last for a lifetime. The price of veneers can range between nine and twelve hundred dollars per tooth.

Cosmetic dentistry can undeniably be costly, especially if you are operating on a budget or fixed income. It may be useful to consider such treatments as an investment in your health and well being; having a gorgeous smile can certainly improve one's self image and confidence. Perhaps there are ways that you can cut down on your daily expenses in order to save up for your desired treatment. If we are completely honest with ourselves, most of us spend money haphazardly in one way or another. Perhaps you can save by making coffee at home rather than buying a latte everyday, or bussing instead of driving your car. However you decide to finance it, you deserve to look and feel your best!

Most of us have some interest in improving the appearance of our smile. Perhaps it has been something you have been putting off doing. Cosmetic dentistry is now widely available to people from all walks of life, regardless of income. Consider orthodontics, dental whitening, veneers, or speak to your dental professional to determine the best treatment plan for you

To learn more about cosmetic dentistry, please visit Dental Implant Clinic Cosmetic Dentistry
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Jam_Smith

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7896232

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Smokeless Tobacco And Disease

The Effects of Smokeless Tobacco Products on Teeth and Gums

Despite multiple public health warnings many people continue to use tobacco products. This article is intended to focus primarily on smokeless tobacco and the harmful affects it has to teeth, gums, and overall dental health. Using tobacco in any form can harm your health, including your teeth and gums, in a number of ways: from tooth discoloration and gum disease to throat, lung and oral cancer and, ultimately, death.

Smokeless Tobacco

It is a sanitized term to describe any tobacco used as an oral tobacco product which is used by holding the tobacco in the mouth against the jaw and teeth. The product names usually are adverbs for the way the products are put into use such as chewing tobacco, snuff, dipping tobacco, and pouch tobacco.

What makes smokeless tobacco so harmful to the dental health of the user is that the tobacco sits directly in contact with the teeth and gums. This direct contact from smokeless tobacco products can cause the toxins to directly enter the blood stream of the user, making the addictive affect of smokeless tobacco even more severe than smoking. The amount of nicotine absorbed from smokeless tobacco is 3-4 times greater than that delivered by a cigarette, and while nicotine is absorbed more slowly from it, more nicotine per dose is absorbed and stays in the bloodstream longer.

Just like smoking, a user's body actually absorbs 28 cancer-causing substances including arsenic and formaldehyde. Oral cancer is one of the most difficult to treat. It spreads quickly and surgery is often seriously disfiguring. On average, only half of those with the disease will survive more than five years. Oral cancer is diagnosed at a rate of 30,000 new cases each year and 8,000 will die each year from oral cancer.

Other harmful affects of smokeless tobacco use include:
  • Mouth, tongue, and throat cancer
  • Cancer in the esophagus (the swallowing tube that goes from your mouth to your stomach)
  • Stomach cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Possible increase in risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke
  • Addiction to nicotine
  • Leukoplakia (white sores in the mouth that can become cancer)
  • Receding gums (gums slowly shrink from around the teeth)
  • Bone loss around the roots of the teeth
  • Abrasion (scratching and wearing down) of teeth
  • Tooth loss
  • Stained and discolored teeth
  • Bad breath
It typically contains sand and grit, which can wear down teeth, causing tooth sensitivity and erosion. The most common sign of possible cancer in users is leukoplakia, a white, scaly patch or lesion inside the mouth or lips, common among many smokeless tobacco users. Red sores are also a warning sign of cancer. Signs of precancerous lesions remain undetectable. Dentists can diagnose and treat such cases before the condition develops into oral cancer. If a white or red sore appears and doesn't heal, see your dentist immediately.

Users without a doubt need to see their dentist more often than most people to make sure any problem is diagnosed early. Studies have found that 60 to 78 percent of daily users of spit tobacco have oral lesions. A dentist can detect these lesions with an oral examination and will be able to determine a course of treatment.

For more professional information about the advantages of long-term dental care go to www.tupelosmiles.com or http://tupelodentist.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_P_Kenney_DDS

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7791515

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Taking Care of Your Braces

Dr. Douglas B. Keck, D.M.D., M.S.H.Ed., national spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, shares tips on how to care for your teeth when you have braces.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

All Toothpaste Is Not The Same

Choosing the Best Toothpaste for You

Early in the last century, choosing a toothpaste was pretty simple. Due to economics and a limited selection of alternatives, most people simply used a box of Arm and Hammer baking soda. Even with the bitter flavor and rough texture at least it left a feeling of cleaner teeth and fresher breath.

Today's tooth paste selection options present a whole new level of complexity to choosing the right toothpaste for you. This article will hopefully help you better understand those options.

Here are some primary variability's
  • Abrasive agents
  • plaque control
  • caring for sensitive teeth
  • gum care
  • whitening agents
Toothpaste can come in a number of different forms from powders to gels. However most have some similar ingredients because of the common purpose they have for cleaning your teeth, controlling plaque build up, whitening your teeth and helping to freshen your breath.

Abrasive Agents

In varying degrees most toothpaste contains some sort of abrasive agent. This is the working function of the toothpaste which helps remove stains, eliminate plaque build up, and dislodge food particles in the gaps and tight spaces between your teeth. Check the ingredients on the side of the box to compare the amount of silicates and calcium carbonates included. The higher the level the more abrasive power the toothpaste has. If you have sensitive gums or teeth, you will want a lower level.


Also check the ingredients for the level of fluorides in the toothpaste. Fluoride ingredients included in toothpaste has done more to reduce tooth decay than any other single factor in the past century. Fluoride kills bacteria that build up due to the sugars and starches which are in most American diets. Fluoride strengthens the enamel of your teeth which helps keep them stronger and helps avoid tooth decay.

Tartar Control

Tartar control toothpastes normally contain fluoride. Tartar is a hardened substance on the teeth which is caused when layers of bacteria have built up over time. In other words Tartar is hardened plaque and is very difficult to fully remove without professional cleaning. Tartar buildup can lead to gum disease. Look on the box of your toothpaste to see which agents are used for tarter control. Look for the active ingredient sodium pyrophosphate to see how much tartar control the toothpaste has. Just be aware that toothpaste with high tartar control can lead to sensitive teeth over time and a small percentage of users have encountered increased levels of canker sores.

Sensitive Teeth

People with sensitive teeth experience substantial pain when eating or drinking anything that is very hot or cold. Sensitive teeth toothpaste generally includes an element of potassium nitrate. Potassium nitrate may help relieve sensitive teeth pain by blocking pathways in the teeth that attach to nerves.

Whitening Agents

In recent years whitening toothpaste has become very popular. Most tooth whiteners use one of two chemical agents: carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. When used in the mouth, carbamide peroxide breaks down into hydrogen peroxide and urea, with the active whitening ingredient being hydrogen peroxide. In other words this process is literally bleaching your teeth. To date there has been very little negative side affect to using toothpaste with whitening agents.

Of course when selecting a toothpaste always look for the ADA seal of approval. The seal gives you the assurance that the toothpaste has met strict requirements for dental safety and effectiveness.

Thank you for reading, to learn more about the advantages of long-term dental care go to www.tupelosmiles.com or http://tupelodentist.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_P_Kenney_DDS

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Why Choosing A Toothbrush Is Important

How to Choose a Toothbrush

Most people don't really give a lot of consideration when picking out a toothbrush. They rarely consider the quality but instead end up picking the one that matches their favorite color, or that looks sleek. But there genuinely is more to consider when choosing a toothbrush. You want to get the great value from your toothbrush that your hard earned money deserves. Knowing just a few key points will help you select a toothbrush that ensures you are getting that value.

Primary Factors for Choosing a Toothbrush
  • Bristle strength is a top consideration. You will want to choose a toothbrush with soft bristles since this can help you avoid gingivitis recession. Soft bristles can clean your gingival margin without irritating your gums. Hard bristles are much more prone to cause bleeding and even damage gum tissues.
  • You will want to select a handle that is comfortable when you grip it. While this is not really a health issue, it is important that the brush does not feel awkward in the grip. In recent years there have been several advancements to handle sizes, textures, and design features. Select a handle that is not so large as to make it difficult to get to those hard to reach teeth in the back of the mouth.
  • Likewise the head of the toothbrush needs to be small enough so that it can reach the back areas of the mouth without feeling like you are going to gag. Those areas are where most bacteria and plaque buildup usually start, and require extra attention when brushing.
  • When picking out a toothbrush for your children, another consideration might be finding a toothbrush with their favorite action hero or other animated character on it. Anything that will encourage them to brush often is always a good thing. Action figure toothbrushes may actually cause your child to want to brush longer as well.
How About Electric Toothbrushes

There is a wide variety of electrically operated toothbrushes available in the market today. Many of the newer models have even been proven to reduce plaque better than manual brushes because of the action of the bristles. Most high quality brands will include the brush features on the box. Always purchase a reputable brand.

Most people do not spend the time brushing that they should. With a manual brush you should spend at least two minutes ensuring that you brush thoroughly. With an electric brush, it takes less time to get the same benefits, due to the number of strokes delivered for the same amount of time.

Most electric toothbrushes are far less likely to damage your gums due to applying too much pressure when manually brushing. Anyone finding they are having trouble with bleeding gums from manual brushing might consider replacing their manual brush with an electric one. Of course you are having a problem with bleeding gums, you should seek counsel from a dentist to see if there are more serious issues going on.

It's Not Rocket Science

Selecting a toothbrush is not rocket science, but it does require a little more attention than most people give it. If you ask your dentist there is a good chance that they can give you an exact brand and style of brush that is best for you. Making the right decision about a toothbrush can be considered a small investment in the right tool by possibly avoiding expensive dental bills later.

For more detailed information about the advantages of long-term dental care go to www.tupelosmiles.com or http://tupelodentist.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_P_Kenney_DDS

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7791473

Monday, July 15, 2013

Why Flossing Is Even More Important Than You Thought

The Long Term Benefits of Regular Flossing

Regular dental flossing can be the best way to keep clean those hard to get at spaces between your teeth. Many people do not realize that dental flossing is as important as brushing your teeth. The bristles from your tooth brush simply cannot reach those very small gaps where small food particles tend to accumulate.

But a more important factor about flossing is that flossing is more about removing plaque than it is about removing food particles. There are complex bacterial ecosystems that form on tooth surfaces. Plaque is what causes tooth decay, inflamed gums (gingivitis), periodontal disease, and even tooth loss. Flossing is the only effective way to remove plaque between teeth.

Oral irrigators have become quite popular in recent years and many general public consumers consider them to be a sufficient replacement for flossing. They are however not as effective as regular flossing, once again due to their ineffectiveness for removing plaque buildup on your teeth. Oral irrigators have almost no affect on plaque control.

How to Use Dental Floss to Acquire the Long Term Benefits of Regular Flossing

Make no bones about it; flossing is probably one of the more labor intensive personal hygiene activities an individual can perform for themselves. A 2008 survey found that only 49% of Americans floss daily and 10% never floss. That's most unfortunate, dentists say, because flossing is even more important than brushing when it comes to prevention of periodontal (gum) disease and tooth loss.
Effective flossing will take up to 3 minutes of intensive efforts. There are times when you may see a tinge of blood especially if you haven't flossed for a while. This could be due to your gums being slightly inflamed and may be caused by plaque buildup. This may require you to floss a little more to ensure you completely remove the bacteria.

Traditional dental floss comes in rolls packaged for easy pulling and cutting of strips about 6 inches long. Dental floss is generally nylon string covered in some type of wax coating. There are however new products on the market making flossing easier than ever before. These floss products include disposable flossing picks with precut string length and a handle fashioned like a toothpick for easy grasping.

Always take the time to run the floss between the teeth and over the gums.

It Is Worth It

Admitting that it takes a little special effort to make flossing a part of your daily routine, the benefits for those who make the effort are worth it. The long term benefits are having strong teeth and gums, avoiding bad breath, alleviating cavities, and preventing tarter buildup. Aside from the purely health benefits of regular flossing, you will also save you a great deal of time and money from potential dentist office visits. But even more than that in recent years American Dental Association (ADA) studies have generated reports indicating that regular long-term flossing may also help avoid the risks of stroke and heart diseases. All that for just a few more minutes per day.

For more detailed information about the advantages of long-term dental care go to www.tupelosmiles.com or http://tupelodentist.com/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_P_Kenney_DDS

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7791554

Friday, July 12, 2013

Preventing Cavities: How and When You Eat Matters

When it comes to maintaining healthy teeth, chances are you already know to limit your consumption of sugary and sticky foods. However, there are other factors that can contribute to cavities beyond what you eat. When and how you eat impacts the health of your teeth, too.

How do cavities form?

To best understand how these factors play a role in the health of your teeth, let's look at how cavities form. When the bad bacteria in your mouth isn't kept in check, it has a better chance at causing damage to your teeth.

You can stop this from happening by brushing and flossing to eliminate the bacteria, and by cutting off their food supply: sugar. They don't just get sugar from sweet foods and drinks, but from white flour products as well.

As they break down these sugars, it creates a lot of acid. These acidic conditions inside your mouth make saliva less effective at protecting your teeth. The flow of fluids in your teeth is also reversed by the acidity. Fluids normally flow outward to repel bacteria away from the enamel. This extra acid causes the fluids to flow inward and pull bacteria in towards the tooth.

With the saliva unable to protect your teeth effectively, the acids begin to wear away at the enamel, exposing the dentin beneath. The bacteria can then cause damage to the dentin, which results in cavities.

Keep track of when and how you eat

Limiting the amount of time your mouth is exposed to acidic conditions is key to preventing cavities. If you only eat one snack each day, you may think you're doing a good job at cutting back on sugar. However, if you munch on that snack continuously throughout the day, you're prolonging the time that your mouth is exposed to harmful acids.

Instead, keep regular mealtimes and eat any sugary foods with your meal. Eating a meal stimulates saliva production to wash away any harmful acids. This will also limit the time that your mouth spends in an acidic state.

If you do decide to have a snack between meals, try to
  • Avoid "grazing" over several hours by eating it all at once.
  • Keep a bottle of water handy and drink it with your snack.
  • Drink sugary drinks with a meal or drink them all at once rather than sipping slowly throughout the day.
Most people don't know that when and how one eats can encourage cavities to develop. The good news, however, is that small changes in your eating habits can result in healthier teeth.

A healthy lifestyle enthusiast, F.R. writes about keeping our bodies and oral health in prime condition. Look for similar topics from a top Arlington (TX) dentist - team dentist for the Texas Rangers. This dentist in Arlington specializes in creating a beautiful, healthy smile using stress-free care in a comfortable environment.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=F.R._Alexander

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7671827

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tips and Tools for Flossing More Effectively

Chances are, even if you know you should be flossing at least once a day, you may not be doing it consistently or correctly. Brushing, while important, isn't enough to keep your teeth healthy. Flossing after meals is recommended, but if you can only floss once a day, right before bedtime is the most ideal time to do it.

This is because saliva, your mouth's natural defense against the buildup of bacteria, slows while you sleep. Any kind of debris left in your teeth when you go to bed has a full night to feed bacteria and contribute to decay.

Signs that your flossing technique needs some work

Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing are a sign of gingivitis, a form of periodontal disease. Luckily, gingivitis is reversible with proper brushing, flossing and regular visits to your dentist for cleanings.

Without intervention, gingivitis can progress to a more advanced condition known as periodontitis, which is not reversible without intervention from your dental hygienist.

A disclosing solution will highlight areas that haven't been getting cleaned properly by turning plaque a bright purple or pink color. If you are seeing a lot of buildup between teeth where brushing alone can't reach, this is a sign that you need to concentrate on flossing more thoroughly.

How to floss correctly
  • Take about 18-24 inches of floss - around 2 feet or so - and wind a long piece at either end around your middle fingers. Leave enough space in the middle to use on your teeth.

  • Hold the floss tightly between your index finger and thumb, and slide the floss up and down between teeth. Move the floss up and down only, not side to side, as this motion can wear notches in to your teeth over time.

  • Gently pull the floss around the curve of each tooth as you work your away around the mouth. It is important to reach below the gum line, but do not force or snap the floss in to place; you may injure sensitive gum tissue.

  • Make sure to switch to clean sections of floss as you progress.
What type of floss should you use?

There are a variety of flosses available on the market, depending on your particular needs. Use whatever feels comfortable for consistent flossing.
  • If there are spaces between your teeth, dental tape is ideal. Teeth that are packed tightly together may require thinner, Teflon-based floss.
  • Woven yarn floss is great for problem areas along the gums and between teeth.
A health enthusiast, F.R. (Felix) writes tips for keeping your fitness and oral health in top condition. Look for related topics from a high quality Arlington dentist who is the dentist for the Texas Rangers baseball team. His own team specializes in reducing anxiety using stress-free dental care in a comfortable environment and custom teeth whitening in Arlington, TX.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=F.R._Alexander

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7845904

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Tooth Bonding

Tooth Bonding. Teeth that have been bonded look very natural. Bonding can be an affordable and effective way to have the teeth you've always wanted.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Cosmetic Dentistry & Aging

Cosmetic Dentistry & Aging. You're never too old to improve your smile.