Thursday, February 26, 2015

What Is Involved in Having My Teeth Professionally Cleaned?

Everyone knows that brushing and flossing at least twice daily is vital for good dental health. Unfortunately, even the most diligent brushing and flossing is incapable of keeping your teeth clean and healthy over time. This is why family dentists and cosmetic dentists alike recommend a professional teeth cleaning at least once every six months in addition to regular self-care through brushing and flossing.

Even when you brush your teeth every morning and every night, a regular toothbrush is not able to remove all the plaque that forms on your teeth during the day and at night while you sleep. The plaque you are unable to remove builds up, and over time it mineralizes, meaning it hardens. When plaque mineralizes and hardens, it turns into a substance called tartar. In addition to being very unsightly, tartar is downright impossible to remove with regular brushing and like plaque, it builds up over time without professional cleanings.

A tartar build-up is bad news in many ways. Tartar will give your teeth a yellow, crusty appearance rather than the brilliant white that is a staple of a "million dollar smile." Tartar doesn't smell too great, either, and it's a leading culprit when it comes to halitosis (bad breath). Finally, when tarter builds up on your teeth, it contributes to the calcium on your tooth enamel breaking down. This speeds up the development of cavities.

To prevent all this from happening, you need to eliminate tartar with regular professional teeth cleanings. Typically, a professional cleaning begins with tooth scaling, which your dental hygienist will complete using a handheld tooth scaler. This is the somewhat scary-looking metal contraption you've probably seen at the dentist's office with the hook-shaped metal point on one end. Truth be told, this device is nothing to be scared of and its use is not only painless but vital for loosening up calcified tartar so that it can be removed from your teeth.

The next step is tooth polishing, which is done with a specialized electric brush featuring a small round brushing surface which spins rapidly as the hygienist uses it to clean your teeth. This not only removes all the remaining tartar, but it also polishes the surface of your teeth which makes it more difficult for plaque to build up between now and your next cleaning.

If your tartar buildup is severe, your dental hygienist may also elect to perform a procedure known as debridement. This is a more aggressive approach where an ultrasonic device, periodontal scaler, or saline solution is used to break up the tartar which was not able to be loosened with normal tooth scaling. After this is completed, the tartar is removed.

There is no reason not to schedule a professional teeth cleaning at least every six months. For one thing, it is a very affordable procedure. In addition, modern instruments and cleaning techniques minimize the discomfort that used to be synonymous with a dental visit decades ago. Nowadays, most people report that teeth cleanings are comfortable and even pleasant. The best part of a professional cleaning, however, is walking out of the dentist's office and being able to flash a tartar-free, bright white smile!

If you are seeking professional dental advice, it's time to call Shumway Dental Care. Their Chandler dentists will ask you questions, examine you, and determine exactly what needs to be done to get you back to normal. Call today for an appointment. Visit
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Monday, February 23, 2015

Crest + Oral-B | Hockey Song

It’s hockey night tonight. For every time you hoot, holler, tear into nachos or drink a cold one, Crest and Oral-B will be there. So you can really sink your teeth into the game. Crest is a proud partner of the NHL.®

Friday, February 20, 2015

Gentle Dental: Tips for Pain-Free Dentist Visits

Does fear of painful dental procedures keep you from seeing the dentist? Anxiety about seeing the dentist prevents more than half of U.S. adults from getting regular check-ups. But with new advancements in painless dental technology and sedation dentistry, there's no longer any need to be afraid of seeing your dentist. Learn how to make your next trip to the dentist pain-free.

Find the Right Local Dentist for You

In the same manner that you would select a hair stylist or personal trainer who really understands your needs, you should do the same with finding the right dentist for you. Find a dental professional who listens, understands, and sympathizes with your concerns. Recognizing that fear of seeing the dentist is a very real concern preventing many patients from getting proper oral care, many more dentists are now trained to deal with client communication and dental anxiety. Search online for a local dentist who offers sedation or gentle dentistry, and call to speak with the receptionist. Discuss with him or her your concerns and learn how their dental office manages client pain. Don't be afraid to ask the receptionist questions so you get a better understanding of each dental practice, increasing the likelihood of finding the right dentist for your particular needs.

Dentist-Patient Communication is Key

Be upfront with your dentist about your fears or concerns about pain. There are often painless methods they can use, or medications they can prescribe, to help ease any potential pain or anxiety. Also, talk to your dentist beforehand about a signal you can use during a procedure to indicate that you need a break, such as raising your hand. Be sure to always tell the dentist if you self-medicated for the pain before your appointment. Self-medicating is not recommended as a patient risks serious complications using painkillers or alcohol prior to dentist visits. Your comfort and outcome will increase dramatically with good dentist-patient communication.

New Dental Technologies Increase Patient Comfort

Don't let experiences from your childhood dictate your feelings about visiting the dentist. With modern dental techniques, you'd be surprised how much less painful and invasive many of the procedures are today. Many dental procedures can be now done comfortably without anesthesia and new technology in dentistry has improved client comfort dramatically. Modern laser technology, for example, painlessly treats a large percentage of shallow cavities.

Sedation Dentistry Provides Painless Dental Treatments

Oral sedation is a method used by trained dentists to provide a relaxing and pain-free experience for patients who have anxiety or are particularly fearful of pain. Sedative drugs, including tranquilizers, depressants, sleeping pills or anxiolytics, are used to induce sedation. Because it takes several hours for the medication to fully wear off, this can also allow for multiple procedures to be done in one sitting - saving you time and extra dental appointments. Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) may be used, which has a shorter recovery time - allowing you to drive yourself home after your appointment.

At Gateway Dental, patient comfort is always our top priority. If you have concerns that are preventing you from great oral care, please contact us to discuss these fears at 703-726-0333 or visit to set up an appointment. Dr. Michael Eghtessad received his undergraduate degree in Biology from George Mason University in VA. He Attended Howard University School of Dentistry in 1994 where he met his wife and graduated as a Doctor of Dental Surgery. Dr. Eghtessad has been practicing General Dentistry in Virginia since 1998. He has been named one of the top dentists by Washingtonian magazine. He has extensive experience in oral sedation and all fields of General Dentistry. Visit:
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cosmetic Services You Should See A Dentist About

Chipped, cracked, discolored, and missing teeth can cause a person severe social anxiety in regards to their image as perceived by their peers. If this sounds like you, do not fear! There are a number of procedures that can be done to remedy your situation. Visit a dentist and see what cosmetic services they can offer you. Most professionals will be able to do implants, crowns, whitening, reshaping, and contouring. Let's explore the details of these procedures so that you will know what to expect.

Dental Implants Are The Safest Way to a New Smile

Missing teeth can be very hard to deal with. Perhaps you feel like you will never want to smile again. A skilled dentist can return your radiant smile to your face. The implant procedure involves just a few simple steps. First, a mold will be taken of your teeth. Next, your professional will insert a small rod into the gum of the missing tooth. From there, the next step is shaping a new tooth and screwing it into place on the rod. Once it is in, it will be further shaped and colored to match the rest of your teeth, so it will be impossible to tell that it is an implant. This procedure is extremely safe, and it has been shown to stimulate healthy, natural jawbone growth in the area of the missing tooth and root.

Whitening Procedures to Give You That Million-Dollar Smile

Discolored teeth can be a real turn off, but don't worry. Your dentist can also whiten your teeth in just one visit so that you can leave with a pearly white smile. The majority of these procedures involve using a bleach compound on the teeth and letting it sit for a while. Some whitening procedures involve multiple short visits to the office, and others are just one long procedure. Depending on what your schedule looks like, you can always find a time to whiten your teeth. Bring back those pearly whites!

Veneers Will Whiten and Give Your Teeth That Shapely Look For Cheap

Veneers are designed for chipped, misshapen, and discolored teeth. This procedure is so simple it does not even require anesthesia. Veneers are simply a thin piece of porcelain or plastic that is placed over the teeth to improve the overall look in an economical manner. These options are cheaper than bonds, and they address the same issues. Bonds are made from a composite that is used to reshape and whiten teeth, but they need to be redone ever few years due to chipping and weakening of the composite over time.

Costly Crowns

Crowns are caps that are placed on the top of a tooth to return it to its original shape. This option is costly and time consuming. Your dentist will generally recommend other procedures before going the route of a crown unless there are no other options. Crowns are also the most durable cosmetic option besides implants. Crowns outlast bonds and veneers, but they will take a long time and cost a fair amount of money.

Don't fret over your teeth! Visit your dentist and see what amazing cosmetic procedures they can perform for you.

When looking for a friendly and professional dentist in Lexington, KY, residents visit Lange Rider and Reynolds. Learn more about our services at
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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Does Your Mouth Hurt in Winter?

It's not your imagination and you can ask a dentist about jaw aches and tooth sensitivity caused by the cold weather. Your dentist will not think you're crazy or just prone to complaint. Dental winter blues is a real condition. The cold weather can chap your lips, dry your skin, and it can hammer on the nerves connected to your teeth. There are a few preventive measures you can take to lessen the pain, but visit the dentist if you suspect your sensitivity is an indication of a more serious health issue.

Cover Your Face

Buy a trendy scarf or face mask and cover your face, especially the nose and mouth area, when you go outdoors. This keeps the mouth and nasal lining from drying out. It also serves as a barrier from the cold, warming the air before in goes in your nose and mouth. A scarf over your nose conserves heat and moisture. As much as you can, breath from your nose and not the mouth. Breathing from the mouth brings in cold air that could trigger a sensitive nerve.

Try a Hot Drink

If you're outdoors or even indoors without heating, the fastest way to warm your nasal and oral cavities is a hot drink. You don't need anything fancy, hot water will do. A hot drink also warms the hands and has a calming, soothing effect. Conversely, avoid cold drinks and hard food that can put more stress on your sensitive teeth.

Fluoride Products for Sensitive Teeth

There are toothpastes and mouthwashes made especially to help make teeth less sensitive. Mouthwash products are high in fluoride, which seals the teeth, protecting it from sudden changes in temperature. Fluoride rinses and gels are available with a prescription, if you need stronger fluoride products. Dentists apply fluoride gel after treating for gum disease, to help reduce sensitivity. Never swallow any fluoride products, it can be toxic in large amounts.

Over the Counter Desensitizing Toothpastes

Desensitizing toothpaste, available over the counter, is the most popular remedy for sensitive teeth. With a clean finger or a cotton swab, rub a small amount of desensitizing toothpaste on the affected tooth. Leave the tooth to "marinade", don't rinse. If you get extra toothpaste on your tongue, spit instead of rinsing. Desensitizing toothpastes should take effect in 2 to 3 weeks.

Say No to Tobacco

Chewing tobacco causes tooth sensitivity. It also stains the teeth, wears down the tooth's surface, cause tooth decay and recedes the gums. Chewing will not give you lung cancer like smoking, but it can lead to mouth cancer. It's time to quit before permanently damaging your health.

Most people experience sensitive teeth weeks and months after getting a filling or dental cleaning. Your teeth needs to recover after experiencing trauma, so just be gentle with your teeth and wait for it to heal. Sensitivity is usually caused by exposed dentin, a result of tooth decay. Dentin has small nerve fibers which sends pain signals to the brain. When the surface of the tooth wears out or corrodes, dentin is exposed underneath.

If you live in Spokane Valley, United states and suffering from tooth sensitivity find the best dentist in Spokane Valley
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Choosing the Right Cosmetic Dentist for You - A Few Tips

A good cosmetic dentist can correct your entire facial structure by making corrections in the position of the teeth so that you can have the flawless smile that you have always wanted. But finding the right professional can be a daunting undertaking. How do you go about choosing the perfect one for you? Here are a few factors to consider while looking for a cosmetic dentist.

Consider How Many Years Experience The Dentist Has Had

It is always advisable to seek the services of an established cosmetic dentist who has had several years of experience with doing different types of procedures. A professional who has ample experience will be more qualified to give you the best possible suggestions, advice and quality of care based on earlier experiences.

References from Others

Nothing beats a word of mouth referral when you are looking for a cosmetic dentist. Ask around. Your family and friends may know somebody. It is also a good idea to speak to a few people who have undergone cosmetic dental work and ask them whether they are happy with the work they got done.

Look for a Dentist Who is Close to You

However good someone may be, it may not be worth it to travel for hours for your treatment. Look for professional in the vicinity. This will help even after you start getting treatment so that you can get home without a problem and you will be able to make it even if the appointment gets rescheduled.

Pictures of Patients

A great way to get an idea of the work that the dentist does is to go through before and after pictures of patients. Cosmetic dentistry is an art. You may not like the artwork of certain professionals. By looking at the pictures, you will be able to figure out if the style of the dentist suits what you want so that you will be able to get the desired results instead of being stuck with something that you will not like later.

Read Reviews Of The Dental Professionals You've Shortlisted

You will be able to find a number of reviews of well known cosmetic dentists online. It makes sense going through these reviews because this is one medium where you will be able to see comments of people who are happy with the work as well as those who have complaints. By going through the reviews, you can even ask questions on certain forums so you will be able to gauge whether the dentist has a good reputation or not.

Midtown Dental is located in Lakeland, Florida. This dental clinic consists of a number of highly qualified and experienced cosmetic dentists and friendly, helpful staff. They believe in building long term relationships with clients and have a successful and happy client base for over a decade. Check out our new page on Cosmetic Dentist.
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Sunday, February 8, 2015

5 Things That Can Happen If You Don't Floss Every Day

Although many might agree that flossing every day is somewhat irritating, the activity does the mouth a world of good. Dental floss has a number of excellent effects, and not flossing every day can lead to some things that are best avoided.

1. Yellowed Teeth

The first effect of infrequent floss is the yellowing of teeth as a result of bacterial build up. As much as frequent brushing of teeth is important to a healthy, white smile, dental floss helps just as much, because tooth brushes can't reach between the teeth anywhere near as well as properly applied floss can. So skipping days or not using floss at all can darken the teeth more than most might think.

2. Bleeding Gums

Leaving the bacteria that builds up between the teeth between the teeth is bad for the gums, and can result in bleeding. This bleeding can occur while eating, brushing teeth, or when floss finally does make contact; essentially, any rough contact with the gums starts to cause pain. This is a result of the unhealthy bacteria that can begin to inhabit the gums when they aren't forced away through constant application of toothpaste and floss, and can quickly lead to gingivitis.

3. Bad Breath

Also referred to as halitosis, bad breath can be a persistent symptom of poor oral hygiene and, although many might not think it, of infrequent use of floss. While most cases of bad breath are solved through simple brushing, any food that remains between the teeth is still food stuck in the mouth, and can therefore still be omitting an odor that seemingly refuses to go away. The cleanest breath possible is a result of complete oral hygiene - this includes using dental floss!

4. Tooth Decay and Loss

Gingivitis, which is a common result of tartar building up between the teeth, can cause the gums to recede into the mouth. This, combined with the buildup pressing against the tooth, can result in the actual decay and eventual loss of some teeth. It is suggested that the average adult in America has lost as many as seven teeth as a result of insufficient flossing - or none at all.

5. Cavities

Part of the process of tooth decay means that cavities are significantly more likely to develop while food is left between the teeth; after all, floss is a part of good oral hygiene. While most are willing to dismiss cavities, since they can be filled easily, this is often the start of a difficult process whereby the tooth gradually becomes weaker and it decays further and receives more fillings. This often leads to the aforementioned loss of teeth.

As melodramatic as it may sound, not using dental floss frequently can result in surprisingly disastrous consequences for oral hygiene. From the relatively mild yellow teeth to the significant loss of teeth, there are a great many reasons to floss regularly and avoid the harmful potential of not monitoring and taking care of the mouth as much as possible.

Cute Smile Dental is a leading Los Angeles area dentist located in Reseda offering cosmetic/preventative dentistry, orthodontist services and periodontist treatments. Please visit: for more information.
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Thursday, February 5, 2015

How to Handle a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency such as an injury to the gums or damage to the teeth can be very serious. Such occurrences should not be ignored. Ignoring these problems can result to serious dental issues. You run the risk of permanently damaging your gums or teeth, which could result to the need for extensive treatments that cost much more.

It is important to contact an emergency dentist as soon as you experience a gum injury or damage to your teeth.

What to do when faced with an emergency

There are several things you can do to deal with problems before you visit dental clinics.The following is a summary of some tips for handling urgent situations:

• Broken or chipped teeth: Ensure that you save any pieces of the tooth. Rinse out your mouth with warm water to remove all debris from your mouth. This will help you avoid swallowing any pieces. Apply a piece of gauze to the area until the bleeding stops. If there is swelling, use a cold press on the outside of the mouth to keep the swelling down.

• Cracked or lost filling: Chew on sugarless gum and stick it in the cavity or crack.

• Fallen crowns: Retrieve the fallen crown and ensure that you carry it with you when you visit the emergency dentist. If you're experiencing pain, apply clove oil with a cotton swab to the sensitive area. Avoid using superglue to reattach the crown.

• Toothache: Use pain relief medicines such as aspirin to help with the pain. Rinse your mouth with warm water and brush or floss your teeth to remove any food particles that may be stuck between your teeth. Use a cold press on the outside of your mouth if your gum is swollen.

• Broken wires or braces: Broken wires or braces can result in injury to your gum, tongue or cheek. Push the wire into a position that will provide greater comfort for you. You can use the eraser end of a pencil for this. You can also apply a cotton ball or piece of gauze over the wire if you can't reposition the wire.

• Infections or abscesses: An abscess is an infection that occurs at the base of the tooth around the root. It results in damage of the tissues around the teeth. The infection can easily spread to other parts of the body if not dealt with properly. Rinse your mouth with warm salty water several times a day.

• Injuries to the soft tissue in the mouth: Rinse the mouth with a warm salt-water solution. Apply gauze to the bleeding area. You can also use a tea bag. Hold this in place until the bleeding stops. Apply a cold press outside the mouth if there is swelling.

No matter what day or time your dental emergency happens, our emergency dentists in Calgary will be there for you and your family. If you are experiencing a dental emergency, call our office at (403) 254-0406, and use our dentist's contact numbers for after-hours emergencies.
Also Read: Mistakes That Require Emergency Dentist
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Monday, February 2, 2015

How Do I Know When to Replace My Dental Work?

When you get new dental work done, you probably won't be thinking much about when you'll need to get it replaced. Veneers, crowns, and other dental hardware, however, will eventually wear out and will need to be replaced.

How long do these kinds of work last? As a general rule of thumb, most veneers and crowns can last for seven years. Some last even longer, depending upon various factors.

Factors That Cause Wear and Tear on Tooth Work

The factors that cause some veneers and crowns to wear out after only seven years, and others to last for a decade or two are varied. Here are some of the issues that impact the life of your veneers and crowns:

  • Construction: The materials used in the construction of your veneers can impact the useful life or your dental work. As a rule, resin veneers do not last as long as those constructed out of porcelain. Porcelain veneers can last from 10 to 15 years.
  • Dental Hygiene and Personal Habits: If you have issues with tooth grinding (bruxism), your crowns and veneers may not last as long as in people who do not have that habit. Poor dental hygiene, too, takes its toll even on crowns and veneers. Although the artificial part of the crown cannot decay as do normal teeth, remember that the crown is attached to a real tooth. That tooth can, and often does, become decayed if you have poor dental hygiene.
  • Your Mouth's Chemical Balance: Certain medical conditions or eating habits can cause your mouth to become too acidic. That, in turn, can cause your veneers and crowns to break down more quickly. As a part of routine dental checkups, some dentists check the acidity of their patients' saliva using pH strips. Depending upon the result, those dentists may work with their patients to help them choose a diet that will give their dental work a longer lifespan.

When Does My Dental Work Need to Be Replaced?

Although most veneers and crowns last for anywhere between 7 and 12 years, there will come a time that you will need to replace yours. Here are some things you can look for to help you decide when it is time to have them replaced.

  • Negative Changes in Appearance: Over time, your dental work may shift relative to their position in your mouth. These shifts can affect your appearance. If your gum line recedes, the place where your crown ends may become visible. The color of your dental work may change over the years, causing a mismatch with the rest of your teeth.
  • Worn or Damaged Dental Work: Obviously, if your old dental work gets broken or chipped, it's time for a change. Yet some damage from wear is more subtle. If you grind your teeth, your crowns may develop small holes. Even though you may not be able to see this damage, your dentist will see it during your routine checkup and alert you to the need to replace it.
  • Dislodged Veneers: Your veneers can become dislodged or even pop off. Generally, they can be replaced, providing that the tooth underneath is healthy.

You may ask, "Is there anything I can do to extend the life of my dental work?" Yes, there is. If you maintain a daily routine that includes brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing them once a day, and using a fluoride mouthwash, you can keep them in better shape. Also, a regular dental cleaning and checkup is an important part of giving your dental work a longer, more useful life. To discover more information about extending the life of your dental work, contact your dentist today.

Cosmetic dentist Dr. Caven and his experienced team help you find your best smile. Offering advanced technology in Jacksonville, Florida for a variety of cosmetic dental services, Dr. Caven offers a versatile range of solutions for healthy smiles.
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