Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Effects of Smoking on Oral Health

Smoking cigarettes can negatively affect every part of the human body. Oral health is especially vulnerable to the effects of tobacco use. The teeth of a smoker are usually instantly recognizable, because of the visible detrimental effects of cigarette smoking. But apart from staining of the teeth, what other dangers to oral health does smoking introduce? This article will take a look at how the mouth is impacted by cigarette smoking.
Firstly, gum disease. Tobacco smoking is among the major risk factors for developing gum disease. Furthermore, any gum disease present is often more aggressive in people who smoke. Tobacco smoking affects blood flow within the gums and so your body's ability to deal with oral plaque bacteria is diminished. Periodontal disease is a more severe type of gum disease. This indicates irreparable deterioration of the gum and bone tissue covering your teeth. Those that smoke tend to be more at risk of this kind of damage. The periodontal destruction may also develop faster in cigarette smokers and the outcome of gum treatment is usually less good compared with non-smokers. The gum degradation in turn causes tooth mobility and so loss of one's teeth.
Next, dental stains along with yellowing of the dentition. Cigarette smoking leaves characteristic brown or black staining on the surface of the teeth. Smokers teeth additionally turn yellowish as time passes. How much dental stains and discoloring will vary according to the amount smoked. False teeth, caps and fillings can also get discolored. This will be particularly true if smoking is combined with bad oral hygiene.
Oral cancer. Smoking cigarettes presents a range of hazardous chemical substances into the mouth. These kind of chemical compounds could, eventually, contribute to cancerous change to the oral tissues. Medical studies show that people who smoke will be six times more at risk of developing mouth cancer compared to those that never smoked. Alcohol abuse in conjunction with tobacco smoking will increase the likelihood of oral cancers even further.
Bad breath. Cigarette smoking causes bad breath or halitosis. In people who smoke, halitosis is principally brought on as a result of the retention and breathing out of the fumes.
Wearing down of teeth. Keeping a pipe or cigar in the same position whilst smoking could cause damage to the teeth. This may cause sensitivity as well as an ugly notched appearance of the damaged teeth.
Brown hairy tongue. Smoking cigarettes prevents the ordinary shedding of the surface cells from the tongue. As a result, one type of these cells becomes more lengthy, leading to an appearance like hair over the tongue surface. So a term of "hairy tongue" is applied to this unsightly condition.
Delayed wound recovery. Tobacco use can negatively affect any wound recovery inside the oral cavity. You should not cigarette smoke after having any oral surgery, like a tooth extraction. You're a lot more at risk of getting an unpleasant side effect called dry socket if you smoke soon after an extraction. Linked to this slow wound recovery, tobacco will likewise have an effect on the survival rates of dental implants. Dental implants in a smokers mouth will not set in to the jaw bone, as well as they do in a non-smoker. Any implants are also more in danger of not lasting due to bone and gum disease surrounding the dental implant.
Summary. A quick glance at a smokers teeth and the detrimental effects for oral health are obvious. But not only does tobacco use change the outward appearance of one's smile. Smoking can lead to considerably more severe consequences for the teeth, through advanced periodontal disease. A lot more serious still, tobacco use will definitely significantly raise the risks of developing mouth cancer.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Common Problems Associated With Wisdom Teeth

The following article is a short guide about the reasons why wisdom teeth can cause problems. We also discuss what kind of symptoms they may result in...
Problems with wisdom teeth resulting from their 'impaction' is a very common situation. These are almost always the last teeth to erupt into your mouth. Now there usually are four, one in each corner of your mouth at the back. They will mostly emerge between seventeen and twenty-four, but sometimes will appear later (or earlier!).
The trouble is the fact that because they are the final teeth to enter your mouth, there is frequently inadequate space to enable them to fully come through. Therefore they will often only partly emerge into the mouth or perhaps not come through at all.
When there is adequate space for the wisdom teeth, they should come through into the mouth normally and act as any other tooth. There may be some issues including soreness as they emerge, however this will likely disappear once the tooth finds its eventual position.
Discomfort coming from wisdom teeth can develop if you don't a sufficient amount of room within the mouth. The wisdom teeth can therefore become impacted. A wisdom tooth is termed impacted should it be obstructed from erupting into your mouth completely. Thus it can remain at an angle as opposed to becoming up-right, i.e. tipped against the tooth ahead of it. Technically, any tooth can become impacted, but it's these teeth which are the most often impacted, as a result of their late eruption. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause a variety of issues, but it ought to be noted that they can result in no issues at all.
If a wisdom tooth is bothersome symptoms might include:
Ache and swelling of the gum overlying the wisdom teeth, bad breath and bad taste within your mouth. Pus appearing from the inflamed gum area and tenderness when you open your mouth or trouble on opening your mouth. Pain while eating or biting as this affects the swollen gum area and pain/ulcers on the cheek. Ear-ache frequently occurs. The problems may appear for several days and after that clear up. The discomfort can then return at any time, frequently with weeks or even months between incidences.
More severe problems may develop coming from the impacted teeth: Swollen glands or nodes under the chin and swelling of the face and jaw. Muscle spasms in the jaw. Temperature and general malaise. Such symptoms may indicate a severe infection which can be very serious if not treated. Immediate guidance needs to be sought from your dentist.
Cause of the Problems:
The cause of these issues is that whenever a wisdom tooth is impacted, a flap of gum will lay above it. Because it is difficult to completely clean properly underneath this gum flap, bacteria will proliferate here and your gum will become inflamed. This kind of inflammation is named 'pericoronitis'. Pericoronitis is generally relatively simple to deal with. It is when it is a persistent issue that extraction of the wisdom teeth has to be considered.
An impacted tooth can be present in your mouth without you actually even realizing it, given that it may not be leading to any symptoms. On the other hand other troubles can also be related to impacted wisdom teeth:
Impacted wisdom teeth are susceptible to tooth decay. This is mainly because food can gather around them, under the gum, and they are generally difficult to clean. The teeth lying beside the impacted tooth is likewise at greater risk of decay for the same reason.
Likewise, the region is more susceptible to gum disease as it is difficult to completely clean. Seldom, cysts and various similar growths can develop around an impacted tooth. For that reason even when impacted wisdom teeth aren't leading to problems, or other noticeable problems, they ought to be checked out regularly.
Preventing problems from wisdom teeth:
The more clean the area (along with your mouth on the whole) is, typically the less likely that pericoronitis will occur. Hence basic oral hygiene measures should be followed, this includes flossing in the area of the wisdom tooth and regularly using mouthwashes. Your dentist can assist you with further advice. Do attend regularly even if a wisdom tooth is not giving you any noticeable symptoms

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lifestyle and Oral Health

It's no surprise that living a healthy lifestyle reduces the risks of developing chronic diseases and a recent study reinforces that link. Men and women who never smoked, ate a healthy diet, participated in physical activity and had a Body Mass Index (BMI) under 30, were 78% less likely to develop chronic diseases, such as heart disease or diabetes. Hear more about how you can live a healthy lifestyle and maintain good oral health.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Aging and Cosmetic Dentistry

You're never too old to improve your smile. With age, teeth sometimes become discolored, worn or chipped, or other damage may occur. Find out how treatment options like tooth whitening, veneers, tooth-colored fillings or dental implants can make your smile look years younger.

Monday, March 19, 2012


If your gums are tender, swollen or bleed easily when flossing, you may have gingivitis—the early stage of gum disease. Fortunately, gingivitis can be prevented by following a good oral health care routine and by regularly visiting a dentist. Find out more about how to reduce the risk of gingivitis and, if needed, how to treat it.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Plaque is the soft sticky film that covers your teeth. Plaque contains bacteria that release acids. These acids can eventually lead to a variety of issues, including periodontal disease. Find out the most effective ways to prevent plaque buildup and maintain good oral health.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Why Do Teeth Darken?

Everyone loves a beautiful, white smile but overtime teeth can discolor. Teeth can also lose their white appearance for a variety of reasons. Some medications can have a side effect that discolors your teeth. Smoking or tobacco products are not only dangerous to your health, but also can leave dark stains on your teeth. Food and drinks like coffee, tea and some fruits can also cause discoloration. Learn more about tooth discolorations and measures your dentist can use to help you maintain a healthy and white smile.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Veneers Are Suitable Substitutes

Teeth are one of the first things people see when you are talking. Whether justified or unjustified, many times people create impressions of you based upon the condition of your teeth. Whether you want to impress a future employer, a potential love interest or you just desire a healthy looking mouth, it's important to regularly brush, floss, and use mouthwash. There are times, however, when none of these things will be enough to give you the look you desire. That is why veneers are so essential.

These porcelain laminates are bonded to your teeth to instantly create a cosmetic improvement. For instance, if you have yellow teeth and are having difficulties getting them white, veneers would be able to do the job. They could also be beneficial to those with teeth that have been darkened or discolored from smoking or heavy coffee drinking.

The laminates are also helpful to those who want to improve their bite or the crookedness of their teeth. Correcting things such as extreme overbites can help to greatly improve your appearance.

One of the reasons veneers are such a good idea is because they produce faster results. Many times people must wear braces for months or even several years before their teeth become straightened. In order to speed up the process and lessen the hassle, the porcelain laminates can be used.

Those with discolored teeth can also benefit from the procedure. Although there are toothpastes and other products specifically made to help whiten people's teeth, sometimes this process can take a long time.

Along with correcting cosmetic issues, these laminates can also help those with sensitive teeth. Having teeth that are delicate and irritable can be extremely uncomfortable. You won't be able to eat certain foods without getting an annoying feeling. You'd also experience extra sensitivity when drinking beverages that are cold. So, getting a procedure that can correct this issue can make your eating experiences much more enjoyable.

Along with fixing the look of your teeth, veneers can also correct any cosmetic issues you may have with your gums. If you have extra gum showing when you smile or talk, there are laminates that can fix the issue.

These porcelain improvements are able to help solve just about any cosmetic problem you may have with your mouth. Most of all you will be able to have a healthy smile that you'd be proud to flash in front of the world. You wouldn't have to be forced to smile with your mouth closed or try to hide your teeth when you talk. So, if you are looking for a quick option to improve the look of your teeth or gums, then you are in luck.

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dental Health : How to Cure Gum Disease

The most common ways dentists deal with root canals include procedures known as scaling and root planting. Cure gum disease through regular deep cleanings with tips from a dentist in this free video on dental health and oral hygiene.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dental Health : How Does a Dentist Fill a Cavity?

A cavity is a small dental infection of the tooth that is comprised of bacteria and is treated with a filling. Discover how a dentist fills a cavity by numbing the patient, cleaning the cavity and filling it with tips from a dentist in this free video on dental health and oral hygiene.