Friday, January 30, 2015

How Can Veneers Change Your Life?

The face value of a person is crucial for everyone as it plays an important role in giving a good first expression to others. Whenever you meet someone, one of the first things that he is going to notice in you is your smile and if you do not have a great set of teeth then even the warmest of smile will not be able to impress him much. Teeth are mostly gifted and if you do not have great sets of teeth then there is nothing much that can be done to change them naturally. However, cosmetic dentistry have been able to work out different ways with which one can make this teeth look great and installing dental veneers is just one of them.

A veneer is a thin ceramic coating that looks identical to tooth enamel and it is used to cover a tooth so that it looks white and well shaped. If someone has discoloured or disfigured teeth, or if there is a wide gap between his front teeth then they are obviously not going to look good to anyone who sees them. It is not only embarrassing for the holder to have such teeth but this also shakes his confidence and he becomes hesitant in visiting any public place or meeting new people, thinking that he would not be able to give a good first impression to them. Such an attitude can do a lot of harm to him in a long run and it can even result in depression. Dental veneers would be of great help to such a person.

The process of installing dental veneers is simple and quick. All that you need to do is to consult a good cosmetic dentist and he would be able to take care of everything else. In most of the cases, the installation of veneers can get completed in a couple of sittings. The dentist examines the patient and takes measurement of the teeth for which veneers are to be prepared. These measurements are then sent to the dental laboratory for processing. In the next sitting the dentist will temporarily install them and the patient can check out if they are working properly. In case he faces any problem, he can let the dentist know about it and the dentist will fix it. If everything is fine then the dentist will install them permanently. This process is hardly doing to take about half an hour. Once you have got them installed, you would be able to use your teeth like before without any problem.

To learn more about Dental Implant, please visit Richmond Dentist
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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Three Tips for Good Oral Health

Dr. Keith Libou, chief clinical officer at Delta Dental of New Jersey, talks about how good preventive care starts at home with three easy tips.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

What Does Having Sensitive Teeth Feel Like?

Watch as sensitivity shoppers who suffer from sensitive teeth explain the everyday issues they face in dealing with teeth sensitivity triggers. After simply applying Crest Sensi-Stop Strips for 10 minutes, each shopper was given a trigger: a glass of ice water, ice cream, and a popsicle. Many shoppers opened up about the world of opportunity Crest Sensi-Stop Strips offer to them by relieving their tooth sensitivity. These sensitivity shoppers can now enjoy going to pot-luck parties or having ice cream with their kids without worrying.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Oral and Overall Health

Dr. Keith Libou, chief clinical officer at Delta Dental of New Jersey, talks about the importance of routine dental visits and daily at-home care for good oral health, as well as overall health.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Nu Calm - Regency Dental

Dr. Burton demonstrates NuCalm. It is a revolutionary relaxation treatment to make your dental experience stress free and calm. See more at

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Four Ways To Make Your Trip To The Dentist Less Stressful

In the eyes of many people, visiting the dentist is an ordeal on the same level as going to the principal's office as a child or getting called to the supervisor's office at work. It is common to put off this important visit, finding excuses or outright refusing to go when we should. Do you get uncomfortable when the time for your visit comes around? If so, consider these practical tips to help calm your fears and make you feel more comfortable about seeing your dentist.

Bring A Friend

Everyone needs a little motivation to help get things done sometimes, and the best form of motivation can come from a friend. If you feel especially nervous about going to get your mouth checked out, have a close friend or family member come with you. Having a friendly, familiar presence is a great aid to navigating any stressful situation. This can be especially helpful if your buddy has experience with a dentist and can talk you through your fears.

Use Anti-stress Techniques

Stress management tools such as stress balls or breathing are often made fun of, but they can be lifesavers when you're going in for your oral check-up. Don't hesitate to have a stress ball handy as you enter the office. Also, be sure to use breathing techniques - breathe in deeply and slowly, and breathe out the same way. These methods seem simple and trivial, but they do work and can help you relieve a lot of stress as you wait for your check-up.

Think Positive

One common reason that many people fear going to see a dental professional is that they expect something bad to happen. They expect to hear about a root canal being needed or that some frightening, metallic device will be inserted into their mouths to inflict maximum levels of discomfort. Such thinking can easily make anyone want to avoid this check-up. Instead of thinking what can go wrong, think about what can go right. You may find out that your teeth are in good health, or that any issues at hand are small enough to be handled quickly and easily. Think about the fact that you are doing something good for yourself. Perspective is powerful, and maintaining a positive perspective is key to experiencing positive experiences.

Get To Know Your Dentist

This is likely the most important thing you can do to relieve your fears of getting your teeth checked out. Your dental professional is a human being, a person just like you. They have life experiences, emotions, thoughts, and senses of humor. Talk to them, tell them your fears and ask them any questions you may have. Once you can see your oral professional as more than a scary and impersonal figure, you may find that going for a visit isn't so much of a chore as you thought.

It's not unusual to be afraid to see a dentist, but this fear can hinder you from getting the treatment you need. By working past that fear, you'll be ensuring that your smile is at its healthiest for a long time to come.

When looking for a friendly dentist in Irvington, NJ, residents visit Gentle Dental of NJ. Learn more about our team at
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Monday, January 12, 2015

What is a Root Canal Treatment

A root canal treatment has to be performed if the dental nerve (Latin: Pulpa) has died and/or is infected. As a patient, you may or may not experience pain leading up to a root canal. Some causes for the pulp dying are: Deep-seated caries; severe heat during the cutting of a tooth; and/or chemicals used by the dentist (e.g., white fillings, called composites). The commonly referred to "dead" tooth can lead to acute, even life-threatening complications at any time, because the necrotic dental nerve tissue can cause acute infections, called abscesses.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Way to Prevent Tartar

Toothpaste advertisements, dentists and many others have warned us about tartar and its ill effects. Most of us are unsure of what tartar is or what it does to our teeth.

Tartar - What Is It?

Although you take good oral care at home, there is still bacteria in your mouth. Bacteria mixes with food and proteins and forms a sticky substance called plaque. This forms a coat on your teeth, gets under the gum line and damages the teeth and the gums.

Whenever you eat something, the bacteria releases acids, which damage the tooth enamel and create cavities leading to infected and inflamed gums. If the plaque is removed regularly, permanent tooth decay can be prevented.

However, plaque that settles on the teeth hardens to form tartar that only a dentist or a dental hygienist can remove.

How Are Teeth and Gums Effected by Tartar?

Tartar makes brushing and flossing harder which can lead to cavities and eventually tooth decay.
If tartar forms above your gums line, the bacteria present in it irritate and damage the gums and overtime lead to progressive gum diseases.

Gingivitis is the mildest form of gum disease. Visiting a dentist regularly alongside brushing and flossing daily can keep gingivitis away from you. Otherwise, the damage can worsen to such an extent that pockets form between the teeth and gums and bacteria infects the gums. This is called periodontitis.

How to Control Tartar Build-Up

The best way however is not to let tartar form on the teeth.

1) Dental Care

Brush twice a day for at least 3 minutes with a soft toothbrush. Ensure that you brush the rear surface and the rear molars too.

Electronic or powered toothbrushes have been proven to get rid of plaque better than the manual ones, but make sure that they are ADA approved.

If you choose a tartar control toothpaste with fluoride, you can prevent plaque from hardening into tartar. Fluoride repairs the enamel damage too. Toothpastes that have triclosan also fight the bacteria in plaque.

Flossing is the only way to remove plaque from between the teeth and keep out tartar formation.

2) Proper Diet

The bacteria in your mouth along with starchy and sugary foods release harmful acids to damage the teeth and the gums. Remember that whenever you eat, you are feeding the bacteria too. Hence, limit the intake of sugary foods, brush and floss after every meal and drink lots of water.

3) Quit smoking

People who smoke or chew tobacco products succumb to tartar build-up.

A dentist only can remove the tartar from your teeth. Accordingly, visit a dentist once in 3 months to prevent any further oral problems.

Better to visit your family dentist for more details, i'd like to suggest a high quality Dentistry in Dallas
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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Is Your Toothbrush Making You Sick?

When somebody in the household gets sick with the cold or flu, it won't be long before the entire family is feeling ill, as well. Germs pass from one person to another, more so between people who live together, because of unhygienic habits. Storing and cleaning the toothbrush is one of the most overlooked aspect of home life that potentially spreads diseases. A badly kept toothbrush can also cause oral infections and other chronic health illnesses.

Don't Share That Toothbrush

Toothbrush sharing is vile but also intimate. Some new couples validate their new romances by sharing toothbrushes. Don't do it! Sharing the same toothbrush is not like exchanging bodily fluids while kissing. Toothbrush bristles get into the crevices of the gums and teeth, pushing germs deep into the tissue. The body has many natural defenses against infections, but become vulnerable when there is a tear in the tissue, something that happens often in the mouth. You might have bitten your tongue or gum, flossed too forcefully between the teeth or scratch the gum with hard brush bristles.

Don't Cover Toothbrushes

People put plastic covers on the toothbrush head thinking it protects it from airborne germs. And it does, but the confined and moist environment toothbrush covers create also exponentially increases the amount of germs already on the toothbrush. Toothbrush covers help when packing for trips, because it keeps the bristles from collecting dust and other dirt on the bottom of your bag. Wrapping your toothbrush in paper is even better when travelling, because paper is disposable and absorbs extra moisture while protecting bristles from getting dirty. In the bathroom, keep the toothbrush out to dry in a cup holder, away from the toilet bowl. Don't crowd several toothbrushes in one holder to avoid cross contamination.

Rinse Under Running Water

After use, rinse your toothbrush under running water to remove as much debris as you can and dilute germs on the toothbrush head. Every now and then soak the entire toothbrush head for a few minutes in mouthwash or a solution of salt and warm water to disinfect. The American Dental Association recommends that you change your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months. Replace children's toothbrushes even more frequently, as they wear out much faster. Since there are so many different kinds of toothbrushes, quality and durability differs. Change your brush when it looks too worn or dirty, rather than waiting for 3 to 4 months to pass.

Some people clean their brushes by heating it in the microwave or leaving it in a dishwasher. This can damage some toothbrushes but could work for others. These methods and the use of mouthwash and sanitizing solutions to clean toothbrushes, are not supported by the American Dental Association, because there is no clinical evidence to show that they actually suppress bacterial growth. But, if some rituals make you feel better, and they work for you, don't give them up if it helps you have consistent hygiene habits.

Top 5 Dental Tips for Clean Teeth and Fresh Breath
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Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Truth Behind DIY Teeth Whitening

Ask just about anyone and they know of a few DIY teeth whitening treatments. Maybe you've heard that scrubbing your teeth with a wet washcloth dipped in baking soda does the trick-and it works, but maybe a little too well. That kind of approach can wreak havoc on your teeth and gums, even wearing down the enamel for good. Worse, maybe you saw the Dr. Oz episode where it was recommended to mix some strawberries into that concoction. Strawberries are highly acidic and notorious teeth strainers, so not only will your smile have a red tinge, you'll also be helping in that enamel disappearing act.

Still interested in some cheap alternatives? Think twice before trying any of these quick fixes. Even if you don't ultimately opt for in-office whitening (which is the best and safest), at the very least you'll learn why such rugged approaches are a huge mistake:

1. Any Bleach Works, Right?

Absolutely not. Maybe you have some old custom trays left over from a dental procedure or you had a professional bleaching kit made but ran out of bleach. Never use any kind of bleach on your teeth except a product made specifically for teeth. Otherwise you're putting very harsh and toxic chemicals in your mouth. The best case scenario? You end up bleaching your gums with your teeth (not a pretty sight) or end up with an incredibly sensitive mouth.

2. Sharing Trays and Bleach

Does your roommate, friend or family member have a costly dental bleaching kit that they're willing to share? You're better off financing your own pro procedure or saving up until it's within your budget. Each dental-provided custom bleach tray is just that-custom. The tray isn't going to fit your mouth, which means you won't get anywhere near optimal results. Worse, the type of bleach and strength might be suitable for your friend, but not for you. Sharing isn't always caring, especially when it comes to teeth bleaching.

3. But Baking Soda Should Be Safe, Right?

This can be confusing because there are many quality toothpastes that proudly boast about their baking soda content. However, these products have been tested over and over again, and feature a very specific mixture that's safe for your teeth. You're not going to get the best or safest results if you just grab that box of baking soda out of the fridge and start scrubbing. Think of it like drinking a perfectly mixed cocktail vs. drinking straight vodka from the same sized container. You're going to get very different results.

4. About That Pro Polisher You Picked Up on eBay...

Here's the thing about dental tools: They need to be wielded by a dental professional. You might get lucky with an eBay-ed professional dental polisher, but 1) that's disgustingly unsanitary and 2) you don't know how to use it. Every person's mouth is different, and there are different tactics for various patients and types of polishers. You're better off spending that auction money on UltraDent Boost.

Teeth whitening is a medical procedure, a skill and an art. If you're not up for an in-office whitening treatment, at the very least see your dentist about a prescription for a more effective option. You only have one set of (natural) teeth. Protect them.

Jillynn Stevens is a writer and researcher. She is the Director of Digital Content Marketing for Be Locally SEO where she enjoys helping clients expand and improve their businesses through articles, blogs, website content and more. For the whitest teeth and brightest smile, see Skinner Dental serving people small to tall in Utah's Salt Lake Valley.
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