Monday, June 29, 2015

How Long Do Dental Crowns and Bridges Last?

Quality-made dental crowns and bridges are the solution if you have damaged or discolored teeth and need their appearance and shape to be improved. Another good reason is if you have gaps where teeth have been removed, and you don't want the remaining teeth to spread out into those areas and create a bad bite.

Crowns also are needed for a variety of reasons, including

  • keep teeth strong for biting and chewing
  • help to prevent a tooth from fracturing
  • restore a tooth that has fractured
  • cover a tooth that has previously had a root canal
  • protect a discolored tooth,
  • cover a broken one
  • hold a dental bridge in place
  • cover a dental implant

Cosmetic dentists are trained for this specific work and are ready to professionally correct such problems and make you and your mouth smile!

Dental crowns, often commonly called "caps", provide a tooth-like shape and structure that covers the entire tooth, strengthen the tooth, and are very functional. They are made by a special machine in a dental laboratory or sometimes right in the dentist's office if he or she has the equipment and staff.

Ceramic and porcelain crowns are meticulously matched to the color of your natural teeth so that they easily blend in and are not obvious. Porcelain fused to a metal shell is both attractive and strong. However, other materials such as metal and gold alloys, ceramic and acrylic are stronger than porcelain and are often especially recommended for back teeth.

Bridges replace one or several missing teeth and are cemented to natural teeth or implants, which serve as anchors for the bridge. Replacement teeth are attached to a crown that covers the abutment.

Crowns Can Last 15-20 Years With Proper Care

Research has shown that approximately 90 percent of crowns will not require major treatment within five years, and 50 to 80 percent of crowns will last between 15 and 20 years, which is a long period of use.

The length of time varies greatly depending on a multitude of factors including the most important of all, which is good oral hygiene. The failure of crowns and bridges can be due to the formation of a cavity where the crown and tooth meet. A bridge may lose support if the bone or tooth that is holding it in place gets damaged from dental disease. If you tend to grind or clench your teeth, ask your dentist how this could affect your crown and what you can learn to do about it.

Another factor is good nutrition. Avoid refined carbohydrates and sugars because they promote an acidic environment in the mouth. Instead, stick to a diet which is anti-inflammatory, alkalizing and rich in antioxidants.

You need to keep your teeth and gums healthy and follow the good dental hygiene practices of brushing thoroughly twice a day and flossing daily including under your bridge, avoid chewing sticky and hard objects, and seeing your dentist and hygienist at least twice a year for examinations, follow-up care and professional cleanings.

The Chandler AZ dentists at Shumway Dental Care are experienced with cosmetic dental procedures and can help you determine the best route for you to take when fixing your teeth. Visit the site at to learn more.
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Friday, June 26, 2015

Family Dentist Discusses Foods That Promote Good Oral Health

The American diet could be quite harmful to our teeth. According to dental professionals, the more sugary, starchy foods we consume, the more they feed the plaque-causing bacteria that are present in all of our mouths. This plaque can then harden into tartar, which is the leading cause of tooth decay and gum disease. To prevent plaque and tartar buildup, regular brushing, flossing, and gargling (mouthwash) is imperative. Certain foods can also help improve oral health. Here are a few favorites from your family dentist.


Naturally low in sugar and high in calcium, cheese helps strengthen our teeth. It also contains a protein called casein, which may help lower the risk of cavities. More than that, there is compelling evidence that cheese preserves the whiteness of teeth by fortifying the enamel that protects the pearly-white dentin behind it.

Sugar-free Gum

When we are not brushing, flossing, or gargling, saliva helps keep our mouths clean. It removes food particles, plaque, and other debris. Chewing gum, as long as it doesn't have sugar in it, stimulates saliva production and helps remove potentially harmful deposits. It is no wonder that the average family dentist recommends chewing sugar-free gum in between meals.


Once again, chewing anything helps increase the saliva in our mouths, but the foods we choose to chew should not contain sugar, and they should take a long time to chew. Celery meets these requirements. It is also quite fibrous, which means it breaks down into strands that naturally clean our teeth as we chew. We should also mention that celery is one of the few foods that has a negative-calorie effect. In other words, you burn more calories chewing and swallowing it than it contains.

Raw Onion

Even if you have a clean mouth, it likely contains hundreds of millions of bacteria at any given time. While not all of them are bad, some attack tooth enamel and cause serious oral issues. Numerous studies have confirmed that raw onions have powerful antibacterial properties. Sure, they may give you bad breath... But a few raw onions on a sandwich or in a salad will also help you control marauding oral bacteria, which may mean fewer trips to your family dentist.


We're sorry vegetarians, but eating meat does have its benefits. As we mentioned, longer chewing times promote salivation that helps clean our teeth. And few things require more mastication than a big, juicy steak. In fact, chewing steak requires so much effort that it can actually strengthen our jaw muscles and our pearly whites. We should also mention that red meat contains phosphorous, which helps protect tooth enamel and bone.


Just like raw onions, cashews contain antimicrobial oils that have been shown to reduce the bad bacteria that leads to tooth decay. Testing has also revealed that the same nut oils may fight the bacteria that causes acne breakouts, making them one of the few family dentist and dermatologist-approved foods.

When eaten on a regular basis, all of the edibles we discussed today have proven effective at reducing the risk of dental issues.

To learn more about their options for a family dentist, Beaverton residents should visit
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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How Fluoride Keeps Your Teeth Healthy

Fluoride is a common mineral found in several foods, such as milk and eggs. It is essential to oral health. It is so essential that many municipalities pump small amounts of the mineral into their communities' water supply.

Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, which helps to prevent tooth decay. When acids from sugary or acidic foods attack the enamel, fluoride creates a wall of defense against erosion.

It is especially important for adolescents to have an ample amount of fluoride in their diet. Adolescents' teeth are still developing and need the extra protection to grow stronger enamel. Adolescents also tend to favor sugary snacks and drinks such as candy and soda. Fluoride in their diet helps protect adolescents against such overindulgence. To help provide enough fluoride for their children, parents need to know some important facts about the mineral.

Where Do I Find Fluoride?

Since eggs and milk contain fluoride, you should include plenty of those foods in your teens' meals. If you live in an area served by a public water supply, check to see if your municipality adds fluoride to its water.

You can also purchase fluoride-containing mouthwash and toothpaste for your kids to use. Even if they don't remember to brush as often as they should, the fluoride in their mouthwash and toothpaste can help stave off tooth decay.

If your kids need a little extra help fighting tooth decay, your children's dentist may prescribe extra-strength fluoride products for them to use. Be sure to take them for a regular teeth cleaning twice a year. Most dentists include a topical fluoride application as part of the procedure for patients from six to sixteen.

How Do I Keep My Kids From Getting Too Much Fluoride?

Although the right amount of fluoride is essential to oral health, too much fluoride can cause adverse effects. Keep a close eye on your kids' teeth. If you notice staining, pitting, or a lacy appearance, your child may be getting too much fluoride. Make an appointment with your dentist to have them checked for a condition called "fluorosis."

If children ingest large amounts of fluoride, they may develop diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting. For this reason, keep fluoride products out of the reach of young children. Teach your older children the importance of not swallowing their toothpaste or mouthwash, regardless of how good it tastes.

For more information about the best ways to use fluoride to maximize oral health for you and your children, contact your child's dentist. If it's been a while since your children had a teeth cleaning and dental checkup, make an appointment with their dentist today.

Cosmetic dentist Dr. Caven and his experienced team help you find your best smile. Offering advanced technology in Jacksonville, Florida for a variety of cosmetic dental services, Dr. Caven offers a versatile range of solutions for healthy smiles.
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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Ten Things You Might Not Know About Dental Implants

One of the most pressing dental issues of our day, tooth loss affects an estimated 178 million people in the United States. According to The American College of Prosthodontists, that number is expected to explode in the next two decades, as the largest generation in the nation's history-the baby boomer generation-enters its golden years. Because dentures don't last and people are living longer than ever, the popularity of a more durable, attractive tooth replacement option is on the rise. With that in mind, here are ten things you should know about dental implants.

1. They Don't Come Out

Unlike dentures, there is no way to remove these artificial teeth because they're screwed directly into the jawbone. Although the prosthetic attachment may be replaced when needed, the actual implant lasts a lifetime.

2. They're Good For Your Bones

When you have a large gap in your grin, bone loss may occur due to lack of stimulation. If that gap is filled with a permanent prosthetic, the constant contact with other teeth and food will help promote bone health in your jaw.

3. They're Easy To Maintain

Even though they're more durable than your original set, you must brush, floss, and gargle if you want your replacements to look and work their best. The good news is that's all the maintenance they require. You won't have to take them out and soak them overnight to get them clean.

4. They Last A Long Time

In the overwhelming majority of cases, dental implants last a lifetime. That doesn't mean they're indestructible, but major issues are quite rare.

5. They Aren't For Everyone

Even with a success rate of 98 percent, there are some patients who can't get implants. In addition to children and teenagers who cannot get them because their bones are still growing, those with advanced bone loss may not have strong enough bones to successfully undergo the procedure.

6. They're Not New

Although their popularity is fairly recent, dental implants have been around since the 1960s.

7. They're Incredibly Strong

Because they're often made from titanium, nuts and hard candy are no match for these artificial teeth.

8. They Can Be Expensive

With prices that can push above one thousand dollars per tooth, dental implants can be more expensive than other options.

9. Insurance Won't Always Cover The Cost

The main reason that dentures remain the most popular tooth replacement option is that dental insurance providers may be more likely to pay for dentures.

10. Healing Time Varies

Some patients are able to start using them right away without pain, while others require three to six months to recover from implantation. This rather large recovery range is influenced by the age of the patient and the procedure that is used to replace the missing teeth.

Although we have merely scratched the surface of this popular dental subject, we hope we've given you a better idea of the costs and benefits of implantation dentistry.

When considering dental implants, Rockford, IL patients go to
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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Could Going to the Dentist Save Your Life?

Everyone knows that it is important to brush and floss regularly. We all want a perfect smile. No one wants bad breath or cavities. We have been told to brush twice a day for at least three minutes. We all know we should floss, too. But scientists and researchers are now discovering that good oral hygiene might be critical to your overall health.

The mouth is full of bacteria, some good and some bad. Your body tries to keep that bacteria where it belongs. You can help by practicing good oral hygiene. However, that bacteria sometimes gets to places in your body that it should not be. When it does, there can be serious health consequences. For example, if that bacteria enters your bloodstream it can cause an infection in the lining of the heart, called endocarditis. Research suggests a possible link between oral bacteria and heart disease, including increased risk of a heart attack or stroke. Tooth loss before age 35 may be linked to Alzheimer's later in life. Periodontitis, a serious gum condition, has been linked to premature birth. Oral health has also been linked to osteoporosis, HIV/AIDs, bacterial pneumonia, and other serious conditions. It turns out that the health of your mouth can have a serious impact on your entire body.

Luckily, all this knowledge is being used to help keep people healthier. So what can you do? All the things you already do, like brush and floss, are a good start. A healthy diet helps regulate oral bacteria. Replacing your toothbrush every few months is also recommended. Keeping up with your dentist by scheduling annual checkups and follow-up appointments is also critical. Only a trained dental professional can accurately evaluate your oral health and recommend improvements. Your insurance carrier can usually help you find a dentist if you do not already have one. Forming these good habits will help stop serious problems before they start.

Many people think they can avoid the dentist as long as they brush and floss. A lot of us only go in when something is wrong, like a toothache or cavity. It turns out a regular trip to the dentist is just as important as getting a regular physical. With research showing that oral hygiene can affect everything from your heart to your brain to your lungs, it is more important now than ever to take care of your dental health.

To find a professional dentist, Lexington, KY residents should visit
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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Is Your Toothbrush Clean Enough for Your Mouth?

We automatically expect that our toothbrush will be hygienic enough to put into our mouth, and few of us are likely to consider that this might not be the case. However recent research carried out at the Texas Health Science Center at Houston has shown the importance of keeping toothbrushes clean. This particular study looked at solid head power toothbrushes compared with hollow head power toothbrushes, and found that solid head power toothbrushes have less bacteria compared to hollow head toothbrushes. The study was conducted over a three weeks period and participants used non-microbial toothpaste. They were allowed to floss, but couldn't use mouthwash.

How Do You Tell What Kind of Toothbrush Head You Have?

So how do you tell whether or not your toothbrush head is a solid or hollow? It's not easy to distinguish between the two by looking at the packaging, and the best way to tell is to look at the actual design of the toothbrush, as a solid head toothbrush will have a significant portion that is completely solid right up to the bristles or brush head. Nowadays many people use electric toothbrushes to clean their teeth as they are often far more convenient and easier to use than manual toothbrushes. A toothbrush that is full of bacteria and other microorganisms can cause disease and infections, so it's worth considering whether your toothbrush head is solid or hollow, and to try to choose a solid design wherever possible. In addition the bristles should be made from nylon and it's best to make sure they are soft so they don't damage your gums.

Maintaining Your Toothbrush

It's important to disinfect your toothbrush, and to let it dry out thoroughly in between uses. Some power toothbrushes even come with their own ultraviolet system for disinfecting the heads, or alternatively you can just soak your toothbrush head in mouthwash for 20 minutes or so. It should go without saying that you must never share your toothbrush with anyone else as this is a great way to share your bacteria in a very personal way.

Whenever you finish brushing your teeth, make sure you rinse the brush thoroughly, removing any pieces of food and excess toothpaste. It's best to let it dry in a vertical position where the air can circulate freely right around the brush. Make sure it doesn't come into contact with anyone else's toothbrush, especially when damp. If possible, store your toothbrush in a different room from a toilet, as research has shown that some of the water vapor in toilets is forced out during flushing, and these particles can remain in the air for several hours afterwards. If you do store your toothbrush in the same room, make sure you flush with the lid down.

Although there is no proven link between bacterial growth on toothbrushes and systemic health conditions, certain microorganisms have been associated with these diseases. Some strains of bacteria have been linked to gum disease and cardiovascular disease, while others have been linked to colorectal cancer.

If you ever want advice on choosing the best type of toothbrush, or even some tips on brushing more thoroughly, please don't hesitate to ask your dentist, or ask your hygienist for advice during your professional teeth cleanings.

For more information please visit  Interesting articles related to cosmetic dentistry: Cosmetic Dentistry Center 7708 4th Avenue Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY 11209 718-491-3100
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Thursday, June 11, 2015

How Tobacco Adversely Affects Oral Health

Lung cancer is the first thing that comes to mind for most people when they think of the adverse effects of tobacco on the human body. However, all of the common ways that people use tobacco begin with the mouth, and the damage tobacco does to oral health can range from subtle to severe. Cigars, cigarettes, pipes, snuff, dip and chewing tobacco can all contribute to oral disfigurement, damage, and disease. Family dentists can be instrumental in the education of children and youth in the dangers of tobacco use, and cosmetic dentists can provide treatments for and repair damage already present in adults.

Nicotine stains and other discolorations on teeth and dentures, lips, and tongue are obvious but relatively harmless effects of every kind of tobacco use, as is halitosis, or bad breath. Less objectively obvious but more harmful effects of tobacco use are the loss or diminishing of the senses of taste and smell, smoker's palate (a reaction of the mucosal lining of the palate to elevated temperatures), contribution to the formation and advancement of cavities, sinusitis (which can cause pain similar to that of a toothache), and damage to dental implants. Tobacco use can also reduce the success of dental procedures, and contribute to delays in the healing of oral wounds.

The gums suffer more severe direct damage than the teeth in tobacco users. Periodontitis, a group of diseases that affect the tissues that support the teeth, is more prevalent and more severe among tobacco users than among those that have never used tobacco, and the majority of periodontitis patients that do not respond well to common treatment are users, particularly smokers. Smokers experience significantly greater bone loss; Also tooth loss is two to three times higher in smokers than in non-smokers. Users of smokeless tobacco will often experience gingival recession (receding gums), and mucosal lesions.

All tobacco users are at elevated risk of developing oral cancers and pre-cancers. The lungs are considered to be the highest risk site for cancer in smokers, with the larynx and mouth being the next-highest risk site. Oral cancer is the eighth-most common cancer type in men, and can rise as high as the third-most common cancer in some parts of the world.

Nicotine use can suppress the immune and cardiovascular systems, and along with other compounds in tobacco, can lead to chronic inflammation, which can contribute to the risk of cancer. Tobacco use negatively affects the efficacy of drugs and other treatments, and can delay and complicate recovery.
The only effects of tobacco use on oral health are negative. Even diligent dental care and treatment can only delay, and not prevent, potential disfigurement and disease. For chronic tobacco users it becomes a question of not if, but when, treatment becomes necessary.

Family dentists and their staffs have a unique opportunity to educate young people on the dangers of tobacco use to oral and overall health. Cosmetic dentists have a wide range of treatments and techniques available to them for treatment after the fact, but the best treatment will always be prevention.

If you are seeking professional dental advice, it's time to call Shumway Dental Care. Their Chandler dentists will ask you questions, examine you, and determine exactly what needs to be done to get you back to normal. Call today for an appointment. Visit
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Monday, June 8, 2015

Four Important Questions You Should Ask Your Dentist

Asking the right questions to ask can make all the difference when it comes to getting the most out of a routine dental visit. But first, you have to know to which ones to ask. Not only will inquiring about your insurance, expectations, dental routine and new treatments help you obtain better dental healthy, but it will also help you become a better patient as well.

1. Do You Take My Dental Insurance?

One of the biggest oversights that potential patients make is that they forget to ask if their insurance is accepted at a potential dental office. Now, it may seem like it would be the first concern addressed before an appointment is made, but what often happens is that the new patient is in such a rush to get care that they forget to ask. Don't make that mistake, because it could end up costing you a lot more money, particularly if services rendered are not covered by your insurance provider.

2. What Can I Expect From The Dentist During My First Visit?

The first visit is essential because it can tell you so much about not only tell you so much about dentist, but also the practice in which they conduct their work. In most cases, before you ever arrive for your first appointment, the receptionist or someone representing the doctor's office will phone you with any pertinent information about what to expect during your first visit. However, if that doesn't happen or if you would like more clarification from the actual surgeon, you should always feel free to ask them about expectations as well. Specifically, you'll want to listen for details regarding your dental history, medications, a full examination, cleaning and x-rays. Remember, with the first visit, it's more like a meet and greet, so it's important to be upfront about your expectations as well.

3. What Do You Recommend For My Routine and Maintenance?

When it comes to teeth care and maintenance, dentists are the experts. Take advantage of your time with your doctor and ask him or her for their recommendations to help improve your routine and maintenance. They want you to have better oral health as well, so they want to give you every tool and resource they have available to help you succeed in achieving that goal.

4. What New Treatments Are Available?

This may not seem like a good question, but the answer will help you learn so much about the doctor treating you. Specifically, if the dentist begins to discuss all the latest developments in science and technology with respect to dentistry, then you have likely found yourself a winner. A surgeon who keeps up with current trends and the latest developments in science and technology will be able to give you up to date information on treatments, which will likely save you time and money. A doctor who is still interested and passionate about his or her field will bode well for you and your mouth's health.

The best way to ease any anxiety that you may have about going to your appointments is to become more active in the process. By asking questions, especially the right ones about your insurance, expectations, routines/maintenance and new treatments, you too will have better experiences and better health.

When in need of a dentist, Plymouth, MI residents turn to
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Friday, June 5, 2015

Finding the Root Cause of Bad Breath

Bad breath or halitosis, periodontal disease and gingivitis and general dental decay are all caused by anaerobic bacteria that live in between the teeth and around the gums in our mouths. This type of bacteria does not need oxygen to survive and is pathological in nature. In fact, bad breath is most likely a strong indicator of anaerobic bacteria present, but can also suggest other health issue that needs treatment.

Generally speaking, bad breath is most often caused by the odor given off by bacteria which is living off particles of food, dying tissue and even each other in the mouth. The anaerobic bacteria which cause bad breath can also live and reproduce on the tongue.

The bacteria produce the plaque that is found along the gum line. The plaque is gummy and sticky and attracts more germs and bacteria which in turn attack the teeth and gums, creating additional issues such as an inflammation and periodontal disease that may eventually cause the loss of the teeth.

Some common causes of halitosis:

Gingivitis: This is the inflammation of the gums which is created by your own immune system trying to fight off the bacterial infection. If left unchecked, it could cause an inflammation epidemic that can ravage the teeth and gums.

Dental Decay: This is caused by the acidic excrement from the bacteria as it consumes the teeth. The acid given off by the bacteria is actually dissolving the tooth in the mouth itself.

Periodontal Disease: This is the loss of bone and the tissue attachment around the tooth. This condition is caused by a microbial invasion by anaerobic bacteria around the tooth itself.

However, there are other causes for bad breath as well:

Diabetes: This disease can cause acidosis which in turn creates bad breath. There are usually other health indicators of diabetes which can be identified.

Other conditions than those listed above, that may cause halitosis are smoking, some medications, mouthwashes (that are alcohol-based) and even excessive mouth breathing (which can cause the mouth to dry out and not allow the saliva to remove the bacteria causing the odor). In rare situations, medical conditions, such as certain types of cancer and malfunctioning kidneys may also be the source of the bad breath.

Keeping bad breath caused by anaerobic bacteria under control starts with good oral hygiene. This means a strict home regimen of cleaning the teeth at least twice daily is necessary. The use of chlorhexidine gluconate, chlorine dioxide, or hydrogen peroxide as mouthwash can also assist in killing the germs and bacteria while washing them away. In addition to diligent home care, it is important to get professional dental cleanings at least twice yearly, and as often as every three months.

If the bad breath continues even after consistent proper oral hygiene, then other causes should be investigated to determine if the bad breath is from another source.

Consult with your dentist so that together you can learn the root cause of the bad breath and engage in proper oral hygiene that will reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth.

Dr. Piero, has been a practicing dentist since 1982, is the inventor of Dental Air Force® His latest clinical trial studies using Dental Air Force versus toothbrush and floss on diabetic patients showed a reduction in HbA1c (diabetic blood marker) by over 1% in conjunction with periodontal therapy. Articles published are on periodontal health related to heart disease, respiratory health, diabetes, strokes, and other systemic diseases. He is the former Executive Editor for Journal of Experimental Dental Science, a contributing author to Hospital Infection Control: Clinical Guidelines and author of Never Brush Your Teeth Again!.
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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Teeth Whitening At The Dentist: What You Need to Know

When asked to rate the most attractive physical feature, both men and women consistently agree that the smile outranks the eyes, hair, and even the body! A nice smile has an immediate, often subconscious impact on everyone you meet. It can convey more about you in an instant than your words ever could. Are you a nice, warm, approachable person, or maybe a bit standoffish? Yes, a genuine smile is arguably the most powerful expression in human history. But sometimes things get in the way of what we're trying to say with our smiles.

Even if we take good care of our teeth, brush and floss and gargle as instructed, they often lose their luster as we age. The primary cause of tooth discoloration is the loss of dental enamel, which makes our teeth more absorbent and prone to stain. There are a few things we can do to slow the process, but teeth will eventually become duller and yellower when enamel loss occurs. That is the main reason why tooth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure on the planet!

Does It Work?

No matter how faded or discolored your not-so pearly whites may be, they can almost always be lightened several shades with a simple in-office dental treatment. Because this professional procedure is far more effective than home teeth whitening products and kits, they have become increasingly popular with patients of all ages. In fact, a recent report from the American Dental Association (ADA) estimated that it is a multi-billion-dollar industry in the U.S.

Whitening Systems

As we mentioned, over-the-counter brightening products are widely available in America. According to a study from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, we spend more than $1.4 billion on them each year! Why do we love them? The main reasons are that they're cheap, easy to find, and easy to use. You can pick them up at nearly any supermarket or drugstore in America. They are also fairly effective at brightening choppers a couple of shades in the short term. With that said, no do-it-yourself system can compare with the average results of a professional teeth whitening procedure at the dentist. Why is this?

To begin with, the commercial solutions that are available for sale are not nearly as powerful as the ones a professional will use. Secondly, these kits do not include the expensive tools and dental equipment that is needed to professionally complete the procedure. And thirdly, you aren't a dentist! It is also important to note that whitening strips and gels can cause irritation, even numbness of teeth and gums if they are overused or improperly applied.

Professional Whitening

Much safer, more effective, and longer lasting than anything you might use at home, the only reason professional whitening isn't always used when someone wants to brighten their smile is that it can be expensive. Prices range from around $300 to $800, depending on the dentist and the number of treatments needed.

The Bottom Line

Even if that price seems steep, the truth is that you'll probably end up paying nearly as much if you use high-quality commercial products, since you'll have to use more of them for a much longer period of time. So, if you really want that movie-star smile, it's best to invest in yourself and get what you pay for.

To learn more about their options for a dentist, Rockford, IL residents should visit
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