Sunday, August 29, 2021

What Is Causing Tooth Pain After My Filling?

The first few days after a tooth filling, it is normal to have some pain in the surrounding area. If after a few days, the pain has not subsided, there may be an underlying issue with the tooth or filling. If this is the case, it is important that you schedule a follow-up appointment with your dentist immediately.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Why Do I Need to Floss?

Dr. Ward demonstrates the importance of flossing. Remember, if you're not flossing, you're only cleaning two-thirds of your teeth.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Home Remedies for Toothaches

What can you do when you get a toothache and can’t get to your dentist? Try a home remedy to help manage your pain until you can get in to see a dentist.

Over-the-Counter Toothache Treatments

When you need to relieve the pain of a toothache, you can go with the tried and true over-the-counter pain relievers.

Benzocaine gels, like Orajel, can be applied directly to the affected area and provide a temporary numbing sensation that can help manage toothache pain.

You can also try anti-inflammatory analgesics like Ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol) to relieve toothache pain that is caused by swelling.

*Always call your dentist before taking any medication for your toothache.

Homeopathic Toothache Treatments

Not a fan of over-the-counter medications? There are some natural, homeopathic remedies you can try. Many of them may even be hiding in your pantry or kitchen cupboards.

Saltwater Gargle – Saltwater cleans out infected areas, loosening debris and providing temporary relief. Swish a small amount for 30 seconds and repeat once or twice. This will help to get rid of some nasty bacteria and pus for short term relief.

Clove Oil – Clove have a natural anesthetic called eugenol. It numbs whatever it comes into contact with. Put a couple of drops on to a cotton ball and place it on the affected area. That should give you a few minutes of relief.

WARNING: Clove oil can make the pain worse if it comes in contact with other sensitive areas of your mouth. Be very careful.

Peppermint Tea Bags – Peppermint has similar numbing properties to cloves. Wet a peppermint tea bag and place into the freezer for a few minutes. Then, apply the cooled tea bag onto the affected area. Keep it on for 20 minutes. Also, like clove oil, it’s a short-term remedy.

Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse – Like salt water, hydrogen peroxide acts as a cleansing aid. However, it doesn’t just remove bacteria, it attacks it. Mix equal parts 3% hydrogen peroxide and water and swish for 30 seconds. (Repeat once or twice.)

WARNING: Do NOT ingest and DO NOT use this remedy for children

Bourbon-Soaked Cotton Ball – Like most alcohols, bourbon has numbing properties. Put some on a cotton ball and place on the affected area. You’ll get some short-term relief that wears off as the alcohol evaporates away.

WARNING: Do NOT use this remedy for children.

Garlic – Acting like an antibiotic, garlic can inhibit the growth of bacteria that is attacking your tooth. To use it, first mash a garlic clove with a pinch of salt and apply to the affected area. Next, pop a clove of garlic in your mouth and chew. Repeat this process a couple of times a day. You may get some temporary relief unless the pain is caused by temporomandibular joint disorder, in which case you get no relief.

*Always call your dentist before trying a homeopathic toothache remedy.

Toothache Next Steps

Call your dentist and make an appointment. Your toothache pain may be an indicator of a serious oral health condition like an abscess, TMJ, sinus trouble, or heart disease.

Whether the cause is serious or not, a toothache lasting more than a day warrants a visit to your dentist.

Friday, August 20, 2021

5 Questions to Ask at Your Child’s Back-to-School Dental Visit

School will be back in session before you know it. Whether your child will be in the classroom or learning from home, a healthy smile is still a back-to-school essential.

Some schools require aback-to-school dental exam. Still, it’s always a good time of year to schedule one of your child’s regular visits. “We can help spot and take care of any issues so your child doesn’t have to miss class once school starts,” says ADA pediatric dentist Dr. Mary Hayes. “It’s also a great time to help get back on track if some of your child’s dental habits fell away during summer, when normal routines can go out the window and there are a lot more treats around.”

And just as this school year might be looking a bit different for your child, their back-to-school appointment will have some changes too. Read "COVID-19: What to Expect When Your Dentist's Office Reopens" to learn more about the steps your child's dentist is taking to keep them safe at their appointment.

Here are a few questions to ask at your child’s appointment:

How Is My Child’s Overall Dental Health?

The dentist will be looking at the big picture of your child’s mouth, including teeth and gums. “We will check to make sure teeth are lining up correctly, your child’s bite is in good shape and to keep an eye out for any [orthodontic] issues that may show up later,” Dr. Hayes says. “We’re also making sure baby teeth are going to the Tooth Fairy like they should.”

Will My Child Get a Cleaning Today?

This is a must, no matter how well your child brushes. “Even if your child—or you, for that matter—brushes twice a day, it’s not possible to get rid of all the bacteria that can lead to cavities,” Dr. Hayes says. “And on the other hand, you may have a child who goes off to camp and never opens their toothbrush.”

That’s why a professional cleaning goes a long way. “It removes more of the cavity-causing bacteria and helps to keep gum tissue healthy,” she says. “It can also remove most or many stains from teeth.”

Does My Child Need an X-Ray?

X-rays help your dentist see how your child’s teeth are developing and make sure the tooth roots are healthy. They also are used to see if there is any tooth decay between your child’s teeth. “The decay process can move very, very fast, so the earlier we can catch it, the better,” Dr. Hayes says.

Your child won’t need an x-ray at every visit. “We do them only when necessary,” she says.

Can You Check My Child’s Mouthguard?

If your child plays sports year-round, make sure you bring his or her mouthguard along so your dentist can check for wear, tear and fit. “If your child is having a growth spurt, losing teeth and getting new ones, the mouthguard might need to be redone,” she says.

What Are Sealants?

Sealants can be another way to keep your child from getting cavities, but they’re no substitute for brushing and flossing. A sealant is a thin, protective coating (made from plastic or other dental materials) that your dentist can place on the chewing surfaces of your child’s permanent back teeth (called molars). Once they’re on, sealants work to keep cavity-causing bacteria and bits of food from settling into the nooks and crannies your child’s toothbrush can’t reach. This helps keep cavities from forming and tiny existing spots of decay from getting worse.

In fact, having sealants on your permanent molars reduces the risk of cavities by 80%. It’s best to get sealants as soon as your child’s permanent molars come through their gums (usually at age 6, then again at age 12). “It doesn’t hurt to put on or apply a sealant,” Dr. Hayes says. “When permanent molars start coming in, parents should ask if sealants are recommended.” Most last for years, and your child’s dentist will make sure they’re holding strong at every regular visit.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Meet the Experts: Dental Health Tips for Children

Tips on how to keep you child's dental health in top shape. How often does my child need to brush their teeth? How much toothpaste does my child need to use? What age do I need to start bringing my child to the dentist. What about dental health for children with special needs? Dr. Beestra gives dental health advice that every parent should know.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

10 Things You Didn't Know About Teeth

Here are 10 interesting facts about teeth, human and otherwise.

Other than when it’s time to brush or fix them, you may not think much about teeth. Well, they’re actually pretty fascinating.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Dentists Debunk 14 Teeth Myths

Two dentists debunk 14 of the most common myths about teeth. They explain the science behind white teeth and what really causes cavities. They also debunk the idea that electric toothbrushes are better than regular toothbrushes. In fact, it's more about how you brush your teeth. And they mention how aligners, without X-rays and thorough analysis from an orthodontist, could be harmful to your teeth.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

How To Brush Your Teeth In Space | Video

ISS commander Chris Hadfield explains how astronauts maintains oral hygiene aboard the International Space Station.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Kid-Tested, Dentist-Approved: 6 Teeth Cleaning Tips from Dentist Parents

As a parent, you may have more in common with your dentist than you think. Many moms and dads—even dentists—struggle to keep their children’s mouths and teeth clean. ADA dentist Dr. Gene Romo is a father of four – ages 13, 10, 8 and 2. “As you can imagine, there can be a wide range of behavior on who wants to brush and who doesn’t in our house,” he says. “I’m not just a dentist, I’m their dad, so making sure they’re establishing good habits early on is important to me.”

To keep your family’s smiles strong, try some of tricks of the trade from dentist moms and dads:

Establish a Fun Family Routine

In Dr. Romo’s house, there’s one rule everyone follows: “You have to brush before bed, and you can’t leave the house in the morning until you brush,” he says. “The most important thing is to make sure your family is brushing for 2 minutes, twice a day.”

Young kids love to imitate their parents, so take the opportunity to lead by example. “One thing I did with all my kids was play a game with them, kind of like monkey-see, monkey-do. We all have our toothbrushes, and they follow what I do,” he says. “When I open my mouth, they open their mouths. When I start brushing my front teeth, they start brushing their front teeth – and so on all the way until it’s time to rinse and spit. It’s just a fun way to teach them how to brush properly, and we get to spend a little time together, too.”

Making brushing a family affair also helps you keep an eye out for healthy habits. “Some kids want to do everything themselves, even toothpaste, so you can watch to make sure they’re not using more than they should – a rice-sized smear for kids 2 and under and a drop the size of a pea for kids 3 and up,” he says. “You can also do a quick final check for any leftover food when brush time is done.”

Try a New Angle

When her daughter was only 6 months old, ADA dentist Dr. Ruchi Sahota asked her husband to hold her while she brushed or brushed when her daughter was laying down. “You can see their teeth from front to back the best at that time,” she says.

If your child is old enough to stand and wants to brush in the bathroom, ADA dentist Dr. Richard Price suggests a different method. “Stand behind your child and have him or her look up at you,” he says. “This causes the mouth to hang open and allows you to help them brush more easily.”

Bigger Kids, Bigger Challenges

Checking up on your child’s daily dental hygiene habits doesn’t end as they get older. It’s more challenging when they get their driver’s license and head off to college, says ADA dentist Dr. Maria Lopez Howell. “The new drivers can drive through any fast food spot for the kinds of food and beverages that they can’t find in a health-minded home,” she says. “The new college student is up late either studying or socializing. They don’t have a nightly routine, so they may be more likely to fall asleep without brushing.”

While your children are still at home, check in on their brushing and talk to them about healthy eating, especially when it comes to sugary drinks or beverages that are acidic. After they leave the nest, encourage good dental habits through care packages with toothbrushes, toothpaste or interdental cleaners like floss with the ADA Seal of Acceptance. And when they’re home on break, make sure they get to the dentist for regular checkups! Or if school break is too hectic– you can find a dentist near campus to make sure they are able to keep up with their regular visits.

Play Detective…

As your children get older, they’re probably taking care of their teeth away from your watchful eye. Dr. Romo asks his older children if they’ve brushed, but if he thinks he needs to check up on them, he will check to see if their toothbrushes are wet. “There have been times that toothbrush was bone dry,” he says. “Then I’ll go back to them and say, ‘OK, it’s time to do it together.’”

If you think your child has caught on and is just running their toothbrush under water, go one step further. “I’ll say, ‘Let me smell your breath so I can smell the toothpaste,’” he says. “It all goes back to establishing that routine and holding your child accountable.”

…And Save the Evidence

It could be as simple as a piece of used floss. It sounds gross, but this tactic has actually helped Dr. Lopez Howell encourage teens to maintain good dental habits throughout high school and college.

To remind them about the importance of flossing, Dr. Lopez Howell will ask her teenage patients to floss their teeth and then have them smell the actual floss. If the floss smells bad, she reminds them that their mouth must smell the same way. “It’s an ‘ah-ha’ moment,” Dr. Lopez Howell explains. “They do not want to have bad breath, especially once they see how removing the smelly plaque might improve their social life!”

Above All, Don’t Give Up

If getting your child to just stand at the sink for two minutes feels like its own accomplishment (much less brush), you’re not alone. “It was so difficult to help my daughter to brush her teeth because she resisted big time,” says ADA dentist Dr. Alice Boghosian. Just remember to keep your cool and remain persistent.

“Eventually, brushing became a pleasure,” Dr. Boghosian says. She advises parents to set a good example by brushing with their children. “Once your child is brushing on their own, they will feel a sense of accomplishment – and you will too!”

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