Monday, July 3, 2017

Signs That You May Need a Root Canal Treatment

A decaying tooth can destroy your gums and if not caught earlier, leads to tooth extraction. The best way to treat a decaying tooth is undergoing a root canal. During RCT, the nerve and infected pulp are taken out and the dentist cleans and seals the interior of the affected tooth. Without this procedure, the surrounding tooth's tissue will become inflamed resulting an abscess formation.

All the teeth in your mouth contain nerves and blood vessels that are located in the center passageways, or canals, deep down in the root. When your teeth form initially, these blood vessels and nerves give them all the key nutrients needed. Eventually, your teeth will no longer need these nerves and blood vessels, and this is where a dentist will need to take them out without causing any damage to your teeth. This procedure is known as a root canal. However, you may or may not be aware of whether you need the treatment, and if so, when exactly should your get it. In light of this, listed below are 6 signs indicating that it is time to visit your dentist for a RCT.

1. Severe pain - whenever you feel a toothache, which is not a definitive indicator that you require extraction or you need to undergo a root canal. It all depends on the severity of the pain. When the pain becomes unbearable enough to prevent you from eating or drinking, then you should see your dentist as soon as possible. He will check whether or not there are any cavities and if a cavity has caused the inflammation or infection in the tooth's blood vessels and nerves.

2. Swelling - If your neck or face starts to swell - it is definitely a sign that you need an RCT.

3. Gum boils - Also known as fistulous tracts, gum boils are a pimple-like lesion in the gum tissues, which becomes a drain for pus. The size of these gum boils may increase or decrease depending on the waxing and waning of the infection. You are most likely to detect a bad taste because gum boils act as a drain for pus. The lesion will also feel tender when touched and the tissue will become swollen.

4. Sensitivity to hot and cold foods - Drinking hot beverages like tea and coffee and eating cold foods like ice creams shouldn't usually a problem. However, when you constantly experience a dull ache after the consumption of these foods, then this may be a red flag.

5. Problems with biting and chewing - If you are experiencing constant discomfort and pain when biting or chewing your food, and also seeing signs of swelling in the region then you need to schedule an appointment with your dentist immediately.

6. Darkening of the tooth- this is not a sign that RCT is needed immediately unless your dentist says so. But darkening of one or more teeth happens when the tooth has experienced trauma, has been decayed, or if a filling has deteriorated.

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